To imagine and visualize as we are naturally skilled to do, we must be able to get under the hood of our thoughts, beliefs, conditions and fears. We must go into that natural, unconditioned state of INNOCENCE – IN ESSENCE – that state that does not know limitation or doubt.
In the course of my own awakening and enlightenment (and I hasten to say that it is an ongoing thing 🙂 ), I have had reason to ask why some of the things that I desire come about and others don’t, or why some come about more easily and quickly than others. Have you ever wondered this yourself?
I know that when we don’t get what we want, many of us seek comfort in accepting, or at least in trying to accept, that ‘it was not meant to be‘. Sometimes, that proposition strikes us with a very clear and resounding ring of truth to it. And often, in those cases, it is with a great sense of relief that we accept that ‘it was not meant to be’ for hindsight provides us with an illumined view or realization of how inappropriate or obstructive or misdirected that which we had hoped for would have been had it manifested.
But, there are times when, in our more honest moments with ourselves, we feel that we have been denied, that our dreams and desires have been thwarted, that something or someone in the higher realms of existence, in the godly super-space of life, has seen fit to say ‘No’ to us.
Depending on what it is we have asked for and for how long, we may sink into temporary disappointment or despair or even chronic depression. In all cases, however, if we take a closer look, we are likely to find a nest becoming empty of trust in life generally and in particular people and things. But most sadly, the nest is becoming empty of trust in ourselves. Our self-confidence has eroded despite the brave appearances we keep for the benefit of others and for ourselves.
For those of us who have at some point in our journey come to understand the importance of imagining and visualizing what we desire, this is probably the time when we question the usefulness of such exercise. In the course of my personal experiences, the following are some of the reasons why I may have questioned and doubted the value of imagining/visualizing. See if any of these are true for you.
• You have tried imagining/visualizing but you didn’t see immediate results
• You believe that imagining/visualizing is going off with the fairies, it is unrealistic, it is a denial of reality, it is fanciful and should be discouraged
• The given, the current and perhaps long-standing situation, is right there in front of you, you’re living and breathing it every moment and you cannot see a way out of it, meaning, you don’t know HOW to change it
• The given, the current situation is right there in front of you, you’re living and breathing it every moment and you cannot see a way out of it, meaning, you don’t know HOW to change it UNLESS you DO something about it and more than likely, this means something DRASTIC
• You feel resentful of, uncomfortable with, and a victim of your current/ongoing situation
• You have learned to be distrustful of anything that is not logically and rationally determined and/or that you have spent a life time studying
• You believe that you must act and act immediately or sooner rather than later and so you consider imagining/visualizing what you really want as simply a waste of time or as a poor substitute for action. You believe that Action is King
• You really don’t see how just imagining something is going to make it happen. You believe that even if you did imagine, you must act, that imagining merely supports action rather than inspires and guides it. After all, you believe that Action is King.
• You are too afraid to imagine.
• You don’t even know what you really want.
• You believe that what you want is unrealistic and highly improbable.
• You are confused or conflicted about what you want.
• You would rather accept where you are even though you do it resentfully. It feels safer.
• You believe the world should change for you.
So, are any of these true for you?
Imagining/visualizing may seem like a past-time rather than a psychospiritual technology critical to the creation of our reality, for better or for worse. But if you think about it, it is something we do all the time often without realizing it.
When we recall our past, we are imagining. How so? Well, we are bringing up in our minds images of the past accompanied by all their emotional components. So it is when we contemplate our future, for better or for worse. When we think about what action to take, we first imagine it although this happens so automatically and instantly that we don’t even realize it has happened.
But when you imagine/visualize in a more deliberate and intentional way AND when you do it in an OPEN, FREE and UN-ATTACHED way, the results are inevitable. To imagine and visualize in this way is a natural skill we all have but which our conditioning has suppressed or even disallowed. How? By placing conditions, by holding competing/opposing beliefs (like the ones I listed above), by making us doubt ourselves.
To imagine and visualize as we are naturally skilled to do, we must be able to get under the hood of our thoughts, beliefs, conditions and fears. We must go into that natural, unconditioned state of INNOCENCE – IN ESSENCE – that state that does not know limitation or doubt.
Note: Imagining does not have to be visual. It may be of any of the senses.
Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.
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