There is Silence. And there is Silence.


There is a silence

That’s like a sleeping puppy’s breath

That reaches eternity

And brings water into deserts


It’s the lover’s secret song

Sung so only you can hear

And then you will dance

In a way that no one notices


But the stars will join in as your castanets

And the cosmos will be your stage

And though delirious, you will never have felt more sane

More alive.


Yes, that is the silence of Life


But this other silence

The silence of unease

That I have been running away from

For most of my life


This silence that I seek to distract myself from

That gnaws at me when I let my guard down

That I find myself in

When I see injustice and cannot, will not, do something

When I cast a vote for what is good for me but not necessarily for others

When I purchase something at a price I like but at what cost to another?

When I slink away dejected, helpless, impotent, unable or unwilling to do what it takes

In this silence, the Ego takes the stage

Accusing, defending, denying, persecuting, loathing

Me, you, them


You know what you have to do so why don’t you!

Who am I to do anything? I am only one person, an isolated individual. How can I make a difference?

You’re weak. You’re selfish. You’re pathetic. You’re gutless. You’re selfish.

It’s them. They make the rules. They create the system. They lie and cheat and profit. They’re greedy, power hungry.

There’s nothing I can do. I’ll go to my grave knowing that I should have but didn’t. Or trying to convince myself that there was nothing I could do. It wasn’t my path. And I’ll be buried in my guilt.


Yes, that’s the silence of unease and it reeks of fear.

But my sweet Innocent, that is not my silence

Nor is it yours.

Mine (and yours) is the silence of the first kind.

The kind that draws us into the cosmic dance of Love, of Life

From which, sweet Innocent,

I will guide you

Not by guilt or fear or justice or righteousness or any of those hollow, meaningless concepts

But by love

Then there will be no ‘should-s’ or ‘must-s’ or ‘have-to-s’

For Love has only one desire


To be

All that it is

All that you are

And that, my sweet Innocent,

Is infinitely greater than the greatest demand made of you.


Will you come into my silence then?


I will.

Oh yes, I will.

Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

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