
If you would like to donate to my work, any amount, however small, would be greatly appreciated. It would help pay all those bills (which I try and keep to a minimum anyway) 🙂


I made the decision some years ago to devote my time and energy to helping people live more joyous and peaceful lives through the practice of meditation and supported by my mentoring, counseling and workshops.


A great deal of my time  and loving energy is also spent writing all the blog posts that you find here (over 250 and growing) as well as creating all the videos and almost  all of the images that you see here and in my social media posts.  And I also compose music which I use in Meditation circles and which I hope to share at this website soon :).


I offer almost all of these services on an unconditional basis, gratefully accepting whatever people joyously wish to give me. My belief that anything done with Love is priceless.


I know that some people may consider this idealistic, impractical and unnecessary. However, I consider making people pay for anything unnecessary and unloving especially when the ability to pay is determined by a social system governed by economic rather than humanitarian principles.


I believe that everybody, without exception, should be given an Unconditional Basic Income (a proposition that is gaining support throughout the world).  I also believe that there will come a time when, if not we ourselves, then  future generations will live in an unconditional world where the joy of providing and the joy of appreciation is considered the highest form of ‘payment’ because it really is!


Meanwhile, my  non-paying practice does mean that sometimes, money is in precariously short supply. But… faith has a powerful way of keeping me centered and certain that one way or another, I will be taken care of. So far, that has been the case 🙂


I love what I do and the more of it I can do, the better it will be for me and for all those that I work with.


Thank you so much for considering making a donation.


May we all be blessed with the abundance of joy, peace, comfort and fulfillment!



Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!