You’re familiar with this image of course.
2 things:
1. Once you see, you cannot un- see
2. It is almost impossible if not actually impossible to see both simultaneously.
This is true of Life also and especially about this Truth-
It’s not about you, this personal, troubled, historical, traumatized, why-me, suffering, flawed you.
It’s not about this mini me that is trying to carve out a place for itself in this world.
It’s not about finding your niche, your role, your significance, your purpose, your gift, your specialness, your uniqueness.
It’s not about your demons and your pathologies and your sins and your guilts and shame and fears and desires and dreams.
Even a few moments of sustained logic will show you why.
Do you not.see that you are a piece of the evolutionary, eternally creative process of LIFE?
No more and no less than every other piece of creation including the trees, the birds, the water, the sky, the grass, the air…?
Do each of these things contemplate their naval and obsess about their very special purpose and significance?
Why are you any different?
It’s true that you can think and you can choose. Tragically, you weren’t really taught how to think and how to choose.
Instead, you were schooled and programmed in the false and self absorbed notion of I, ME, MY.
And how this ‘I’ needs to find its personal significance, purpose, win its personal accolades, fight its personal demons, fulfill its personal desires, defend its personal space, time, resources…
There is LIFE and you are one of its infinite expressions/instruments..
Don’t you think it would make sense to start asking:
What does Life want from this instrument Lucy, Beth, Joe…?
Don’t you see that Life which has brought EVERYTHING into being is an intelligence infinitely greater than any Intelligence you personally express?
So, don’t you think that it’s time to start respecting Life a bit more and really start to get out of its way?
Start being the channel, the instrument so that LIFE can play you in its naturally magnificent and EFFORTLESS way?
Seriously, your small, personal self and all its history and histrionics, all its guilts and fears and shames, all its victories and failures is just theatre. Nothing more.
Now you can choose to stay morbidly entertained by it and participate in it and perpetuate it
You can choose to FOCUS on the real deal, LIFE itself and see how you might be a clear and clean channel/instrument for it.
Like the image, it’s one or the other.
And it’s about FOCUS.
When you focus on mini me, you see and feel failure, imperfection, limitation, history, doubt, few options.
When you focus on LIFE, you see and feel wonderfulness, possibility, goodness, joy, peace, love…
Put another way:
When you’re feeling awful, it’s because you’re focused on false mini me I.e. EGO, you’re out of alignment.
When you’re feeling good, no matter how subtly, its because you’re focused on LIFE, you’re in its stream, you’re in flow.
Doesn’t it make sense?
You feel bad because you’re out of alignment with the very source and cause of who you are – LIFE!
Not on the EGO’S personal, pathetic preoccupations that you try to prop up and ascribe importance to and justify and fight for and find all sorts of stories and theories to build around.
Focus on LIFE.
Ask repeatedly and sincerely:
What does Life want from this instrument?
How does Life want to play it?
Then INTEND and ALLOW LIFE to play you. And it surely will.
It actually is already doing that…except that you insist on getting in its way.
You insist that you know better.
You insist that mini me is more intelligent than LIFE.
You insist that you must clear up all your flaws and imperfections and get your act together.
There is no act other than Life’s act!
Don’t you see that?
You are no different from the rest of life’s creations, all of which is LIFE expressing itself.
So, let LIFE express itself through, in and as you.
Step out of its way.
Then you will see and feel how amazingly good and kind and wonderful and rapturous and joyous and limitless Life is.
I mean, you get to experience all that!
Isn’t that after all what you truly want?
When you stop being stubborn, even arrogant and truly ignorant (as in ‘unaware), don’t you get that that’s really what you want?
Or would you rather be right (which is so utterly and comprehensively wrong) than happy?
I speak from experience of course.
Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.
Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!