The evil spell of the Wicked Witch

Have you noticed…

Most of our imagination is engaged in…

lamenting something of the past
wishing that something of the past was still here
dreading something in the future…?

In comparison, only a very small part of our imagination is directed into imagining an amazing future.

The first happens so effortlessly, so automatically because we have a brain that is wired for survival rather than thriving. It’s default is set to fear, avoidance, protectionism, resistance, taking precautions, reducing risk. I am talking about the brain and its ‘normal’, conditioned software called the conditioned mind But…

Our brain is capable of being rewired by the software of the natural, unconditioned mind, the mind of love, you might say. The mind of infinite potential.

Under its influence and with practice, the brain can be rewired so that it becomes increasingly effortless and automatic to imagine an astoundingly beautiful world for ourselves, personally and collectively.

So why don’t we do this? Or do this enough?

It’s because we’ve fallen under the spell of the evil witch who told us a very long time ago that such kind of thinking was…

pie in the sky
too good to be true

and even….wait for this…


Yes! We would be utterly, utterly bored if life was all sweet and dandy.

You can break that spell if you wish.

You can wake up from the long slumber of conditioning.

You can make envisioning a beautiful world for yourself and everyone your number one priority.

Right now.

That’s putting the power of imagination that you have to good use!

PS In case you were wondering…the Wicked Witch is the conditioned thought system of this world 

Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

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