One of my favourite stories or parables (teaching stories) is the story of the Prodigal Son. Let me tell you the story as briefly as I can but before I do, let me warn you that there are a few subplots in this story which I will not be covering here. Instead, I will focus on what I consider to be the main plot.
So, a very wealthy farmer has two sons. One day, the younger son tells his dad he wants his inheritance and that he plans to leave home with it. The father gives his son his inheritance and the young man sets out to have a good time which he does, initially. In time, however, the ‘good time’ devolves into a life of excess, debauchery and wantonness. You might say, it reflected an addiction where ever more choiceless/mindless indulgence generated ever more diminishing returns.
Soon, the young man ran out of money and felt forced to trade his labour for whatever scraps of food people would throw at him. Gone were the comforts of mind and body. In their place, long, hard hours of backbreaking work on the land, a dirt floor to sleep on and no money to speak of.
It was during one of those backbreaking days that it occurred to the young man that rather than slave at this joint for mere survival, he could return to his father’s home, beg for forgiveness and ask for a job as a servant. God knows they had a much more comfortable life than he was having.
So, with hope in his heart and his pride appropriately tucked away, he makes his weary way back to his father, who upon seeing him from a distance, is filled with joy. The father orders the best calf to be slaughtered for a feast to celebrate the return of his son.
When he gets to his father, the son begins to plead for forgiveness but the father cares to hear none of it. Instead, he has only joy and hugs for his son, immediately reinstating him to his original sonship (from which the father had never removed him, you might recall).
Now, you can take this story literally and many people do. But, the much more profound and utterly liberating message in this story as I see it is this:
The son is each one of us – the personality self that is seduced into believing that the pleasures (people and objects) of the material world are the cause of our happiness and equally, the cause of our unhappiness. And in this ego-driven pursuit and belief system, we encounter all manner of suffering including our lack of fulfillment, guilt, shame, unworthiness, greed, rage…all of which is built from fear.
The father is also each one of us – the higher, original Self, which is our true home. The Self that is timeless and eternal, limitless and unconditional, capable only of loving and offering all that is good and great. The father, which is our original nature, is Love itself, the ever-powerful and all-knowing presence.
Have we left home? Yes.
Do we often leave home? Yes. As often as we are not present. It is our conditioned, habitual state of walking consciousness.
Can we return home? Yes.
How often can we return home? Every now. Every time we bring our mind back into the present.
What price do we have to pay to be ‘accepted’ back home? None. The father’s love is unconditional. However, it does take our willingness to make that journey home. And the return is but a moment of attention away! You see, this story is in fact a story of consciousness – conditioned and unconditioned.
Once again, I have kept this brief. There is much more to this story which I shall write more about at another time. In the meantime, why not join me in Mindfulness to make that journey home to our father’s house?
How have you been each of the three characters in this story? Which are you most and least familiar with?
Write statements of acceptance and forgiveness to yourself . It may be difficult and it may not even feel right. Do it. Then in a few days, revisit your statements. Do this over 21 days.
At any given time, I am doing my best even if that comes from a place of unawareness. I seek to be more aware. More present.
Join Lucy’s 6 Day Walk in the Garden of Frogiveness mentoring program.
Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.
Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!