Mindfulness practice is the practice of transformation
Mindfulness is that simple yet life-changing practice that enables us to see things as they truly are – without the filters of our learning/conditioning
Einstein is supposed to have said that a problem cannot be solved at the same level at which it was created. Put another way, we cannot solve a problem if we look at it from the same state of consciousness that sees it as a problem. For true solutions, not band-aid fixes, we need to get into a different state of consciousness so that we can see differently.
Mindfulness is that state of consciousness that enables us to see differently. Now, there’s a remarkable thing that happens when we enter into such a state of consciousness. It’s called transformation. The word literally means ‘a change in form, nature or appearance‘. Mindfulness practice is the practice of transformation and it happens in two parts.
Because the practice of mindfulness is about attending to anything that arises in our field of awareness without judgment, without attachment, without aversions and without resistance i.e.without story, we are able to see whatever we’re looking at just as it is, NOT as we have learned to see it.
When I look at you, what do I see? I see you as I have learned to see you. Whatever information I have of you and however that information has been filtered, prioritized and packaged is how I see you. That filtering, prioritizing and packaging is a function of my life experiences, my beliefs and biases, and whatever other knowledge and habits I have acquired. In other words, how I see you is how I have learned to see you. Someone else looking at you will not see exactly the same way as I see you.
The same is true for how I see myself – a function of my life experiences, my beliefs and biases, habits and other information relating to myself. And it is with anything that we look at. We see things the way we have learned to see them.
Mindfulness is that simple yet life-changing practice that enables us to see things as they truly are – without the filters of our learning/conditioning
Mindfulness is that simple yet life-changing practice that enables us to see things as they truly are – without the filters of our learning/conditioning – the first par of transformation. Now, when I see things differently, I cannot but relate to them differently – the second part of transformation.
What can be transformed through Mindfulness practice?
My relationship with any and everything including myself, my partner, my health, my body, my job, my financial situation, my history, my future…
So, what relationship would you like transformed?
Join me. Tuesdays and Thursdays in Mindfulness practice to experience the transforming power of the practice and to fing true solutions to old problems.
Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.
Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!