Image by Clay Banks
When our entire life is dedicated, it becomes a life of ongoing, conscious expression of the goodness and greatness and infinite potential of Life, of Love, of God.
Today was the second day of our Morning Meditation, a week long program that I’ve offered to the people on my mailing list. Each day, I introduce a theme. It’s there as something we can all use for our reflection at various times during our day if we wish to. Yesterday, the theme was ‘At the frequency of Life or Love’. Today’s was ‘Dedication’ which I’d like to write about.
So, dedication, what’s that? Well, let me start with what it is not. It is NOT loyalty. Loyalty is a very egoic thing that arises in the mind of separation. I can only be loyal to something or someone when I see it as
- Separate from me
- Separate from other people or things that I choose not to be loyal to
- Offering me some kind of benefit or advantage over others and that I would not otherwise have
- Something that I will have to consistently choose over others even when others are no less deserving
- Helping me protect my rights and interests, even over the rights and interests of others
Dedication is something entirely different. It is actually an alignment with the natural force, power, greatness and goodness of Life, of Love, of God, of Truth. When we are thus aligned, we are naturally and effortlessly able to express all that power, greatness and goodness, making choices that keep our bodymind in optimal condition for such expression.
There is no one and no thing to be ‘dedicated to’ since we see all beings as Life’s, Love’s, God’s self-expression and there is no separation. It is this context and understanding that I hope we can (re)read the quote above by Erma Bombeck.
When our entire life is dedicated, it becomes a life of ongoing, conscious expression of the goodness and greatness and infinite possibilities of Life, of Love, of God. We no longer rely on our ‘personal’, Egoic power, knowledge or drive. Rather, we listen for, and to, the guidance – the divine impulse – of Love, and we are willing and ready to honour and follow it.
We are better able to make choices that honour and serve the wellbeing of our bodymind so that it can be a well-kept instrument or vessel or channel for Love, Life, God’s expression. And we feel the joy and fulfilment of such expression so that we are less likely to seek such joy and fulfilment from sources external to us – other people and things, something that we have been so conditioned to do.
Meanwhile, we understand why it makes no sense to take personal credit for anything great and good that we do. Rather, we attribute all such goodness and greatness to the one and only source from which it arises – Life, Love, God. It is the same source from which all works of greatness and goodness arise..
Yes, the instruments or vessels or channels through which such work is brought forth may appear to be individual and separated in form. Yet, if you considered it, you will see that each form is part of an intricate web of forms, each of which is an essential component and each of which plays its role, often in ways we are not aware of.
Do the rainforests of the Amazon play a role in the existence of your bodymind? Do the clouds in the sky over Moscow play a part? Did your parents play a part? Does your animal friend? The child of someone you’ve never met or of whose existence you are oblivious? The plants that we call ‘weeds’? The leaves that fall to the ground in autumn?. Yes, to all!
So, live a dedicated life, one of conscious expression of Life’s, Love’s, God’s innate goodness, greatness and infinite potential. And never take personal credit for it.
Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.
Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!