Even if you don’t realize it, you really and deeply want to get out of this altered state of consciousness called ‘human being’

What a beautiful day it is. The light is clear and not uncomfortably bright. The breeze is mostly gentle with a few gusty bursts every now and again. The leaves are dropping freely, making a rustling sound as they flutter to the ground.

I’ve got my washing on the line and I’ve watered some plants – the ones that have been under cover, the others having been watered by the rain over the last few days. The air is light and fresh occasionally bringing with it aromas of home cooking and even the smoke of a cigar. My dog was obsessed for a while with the lizards at the fence but I called her away and now she’s resting quietly yet watchfully. Can life be more perfect?

To be here and take in each of these moments so fully and completely is supreme wealth, wealth that sadly, so many deprive themselves of. If they are not struggling for a living, they are regretting what might or might not have been or craving what might or might not yet be. In this way, countless moments are lost, moments which, one day they will regretfully realize with alarm or with fatalism, have amounted to a lifetime of wasted time.

To be in the moment and taste, at the one time, the rich pulp of life and its weightless high frequencies is a contentment like no other. Suddenly, all my lofty dreams weaken in their promise to deliver the kind of satisfaction or meaning that I once believed they would. No, this does not mean that I intend to give them up, but I can see the importance of keeping them in perspective. I am reminded again that my dreams are not the cause of my happiness but an expression of it,

We are, naturally, essentially fulfilled and whole. But we find ourselves in an altered state of consciousness that we have called ‘human being’ where separation, struggle, worth, effort, reward, punishment and need all weigh in heavily as our human experience.

This altered state of consciousness appears and feels so real to us that it blurs our vision of our essential, true nature. This vision gets so blur that we soon forget it because we no longer see it. And that is because our vision is no longer spiritual but material.

So distanced and alien has our essential, true nature become to us that we no longer deem it real, instead, we consider it ‘out there’, ephemeral, esoteric, ‘woo woo’. We consider it the altered state of consciousness! How bizarre!

Worse yet, we are so convinced of the ‘realness’ of the altered state of consciousness we occupy as human beings, we are prepared to fight for the beliefs and ideals we have acquired through its distorted vision. We are prepared to hurt and make enemies of each other. We are prepared to ‘lay down our lives’ or the lives of those we love for these beliefs and ideals. We are prepared to distance ourselves from one another, to hold grudges against each other and to refuse to make peace, to forgive.

Of course,

In our natural state of consciousness, there is nothing to forgive for there is no hurt caused by separation since there is no separation.

But we ignore the truth of our essential nature, our unified nature. We even fight it and demand that not only we but our children also live this myth. We pay lip service to ‘oneness’, to ‘being the same under our skin’ but we don’t live the words we utter. Instead, we live the lie that we silently believe – that we are separate, that we are not of the ONE, that I am better than you because my religion or social class has taught me so.

We are so absorbed in ourselves in this altered state of ‘human being’ that we don’t see the myth of it, the falsehood of it, the ungroundedness of it, the fragile nature of it, all of which gives rise to our suffering, our craving, our dissatisfaction, our neediness, our demands.

And there is nowhere and no thing that can save us, that can liberate us from this myth.

If we want to get out of the suffering that arises from the altered state of human being, we must tune into our natural state of divine being. To do this,we must want it, we must intend it and we must then allow it.


Yes, there are techniques to help you do this. This is what Meditation aims to do. So that

When you dwell more and more in your natural state, the struggles and neediness of being human diminish.

In its place is an ongoing ease, a joy, a peace, a lack of judgment, a loving acceptance, a strong sense of knowing that you are exactly where you are meant to be and that nothing you can do can enhance, destroy or surpass that which you naturally are.

Now that is Living Truth. Only you can make it happen. And whether you realize it now or later, this is what must happen IF you want the life of joy that you so desire, the life that is finally free from suffering in all its forms.

Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!