Imagination is a wonderful thing. It enables us to explore the field of infinite possibilities. Unfortunately, too often, instead of using it for this purpose, we use our imagination to catastrophize. We imagine worst case scenarios and before long we find ourselves gripped by fear, unable to think freely. Instead, we make decisions and take actions based on fear.
In our minds, ‘bad/undesirable things’ and ‘reality’ mean the same thing.
We are so defensive of this way of being that should we be challenged, we angrily accuse those who challenge us of ‘being unrealistic’ or ‘burying their heads in the sand’. In our minds, ‘bad/undesirable things’ and ‘reality’ mean the same thing.
When have we ever used the expression, ‘Face reality!’ in reference to something good and wonderful, as for example that people can and do change for the better? Or that no matter how down we may be feeling right now, sooner or later our mood will change? Or that there are few traffic accidents despite the volume of traffic?
Are these things fairy tales? Or are they very much our reality? Why then are we not in the habit of remembering and valuing these realities as much as we do the others?
Perhaps we fail to understand that we attract into our world that which we give attention to.
Perhaps we fail to see that there is nothing ‘realistic’ about keeping the bad and undesirable in the forefront of our minds while ignoring the good and desirable, given that the ratio of bad to good is overwhelmingly on the side of the latter.
And perhaps we fail to see that we, not some other external authority, create our reality. To this end, we have the power of IMAGINATION. Let us resolve to use it well, in our favour, and in order to create the reality we desire.MENTORING
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