I is the biggest illusion that I have become used to

Image by David Mark

I am in the consciousness of miracle
I am in the field of possibilities and on the threshold of certainty
I am ready to give up my illusions and see only truth
I am done with the limitation of imperfection when the perfection of love is always available.
In fact, there is nothing but the perfection of love that I and many like me have lost sight and sense of
But no more
I choose to hear only truth – the truth of Love
In all things, Love
In all ways, Love
Doubt is a habit of mind and I am ready to give it up
Freedom is a state of truth and I am its natural citizen

When leaves fall, they don’t fall in straight lines
But they all head downward
Certain of their destiny
They offer no resistance
Happily allowing the wind to take them this way and that
When the rain comes, it drenches the leaves
Which glisten

My mind is used to many lies, many falsehoods, many illusions
Yet all of these can be swept away in an instant by the
Blinding light of truth
There is no place that I am not
No time that I am not
No thing that I am not

I, this separated I, is the biggest illusion that I have become used to
And refuse to give up
I hide it from the light of truth
For I have too much invested in it –
A lifetime of stories, beliefs, prejudices, habits, dependencies, manipulations, rules,
I don’t know myself without these
But truth, ah, it has a way of shattering that grand illusion in one fell swoop
Leaving me with something I am too scared of –

The leaves fall after the brief shower
Before they land, they allow the wind to shift their direction this way and that
But they will land. It is their certain destiny.
They know it, the wind knows it, the earth knows it,
The earthworms know it, the sun knows it, the birds know it
Everything knows it
Even I know it.

I am in the consciousness of miracle
A shift in perception
From illusion to truth
From uncertainty to certainty
From imperfection to perfection
From the I of habit
To the I of Love
The leaves glisten
With the wetness of the rain
I am the leaves and the wetness and the rain
I am the glistening and the seeing
I am


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