Trust can NEVER be broken

getTRUSTOver the last few days, my attention has been drawn to the experience of TRUST. It has happened when I have been considering a course of action and anxiety creeps in, anxiety that sometimes pushes me toward the action or pulls me away from it.


It has also happened when I have had doubts about an action or decision I have already taken. Admittedly, neither the anxiety nor the doubt has been strong but both have given me an opportunity to reflect on trust. This, in turn, has reminded me of and reinforced my trust in 2 main things:


1. The practice of being guided by my feelings and moving in the direction of the good ones
2. That all of life supports me because I am all of life


This reminder or prompt always feels good. So reassuring, so nurturing and so freeing. In fact, it’s not so much a reminder or a prompt but a deep sense of knowing.



When you trust, when you ALLOW yourself to trust, you can really relax, really drop all the fear and anxiety and doubt and just get on with whatever it is that you’re being inspired to do.This is a truly marvelous freedom to experience since all your energy is given to what you love and enjoy. None of it is given to fears and doubts and resistance and effort.

I have often heard people say something to the effect, ‘I trusted too much’, ‘S/he betrayed my trust’, ‘I’ll know better than to trust her/him again’, ‘I don’t trust myself to succeed or to do what I said I would’.


The one thing that is common in all of these assertions is that which has NOT or IS NOT being trusted and which is the only thing truly trust-worthy. And what is that?

That inner wisdom within you. That inner wisdom which never misleads because it is filled only with what is real and true.


Instead, ‘what we call trust’ is in fact a condition or expectation that we have imposed on ourselves or someone else. Such conditions or expectations are generated by a fear-conditioned mind and imposed on the same or another fear-conditioned mind.


When we place our ‘trust’ in such a fear-conditioned mind, what is broken, what is betrayed, what is misplaced is not OUR TRUST or OURSELVES but our false identity and identification with something that we mistakenly claim to be ourselves – our fear-based conditioning.

You see, TRUST, which is the alignment or aligning with what is essentially good and true can never be ‘broken’ or betrayed because whatever is aligned with that which is good and true is INDESTRUCTIBLE.


TRUST, if it really is that, is always intact. It is the conditioned mind and our identification with its fears and false beliefs that is vulnerable and susceptible to abuse.


So, the next time you find yourself thinking and saying that someone has broken or betrayed your trust or betrayed you, think again. You will see that it is one fear-driven mind that has sought to get something out of another fear-driven mind.




You will see that ultimately it boils down to one such mind (yours) having an expectation of another such mind (someone else’s) as for example, that they will use your money wisely or will keep your secret or will remain ‘faithful’ to you.

You see, all these are expectations accompanied by ‘conditions‘ that we place on one another. And it is only a fearful mind that makes its happiness and wellbeing conditional upon other people or other things (systems, governments, societies, etc).


So, it is never TRUST that is broken but EXPECTATIONS that have not been met and CONDITIONS  that have not been fulfilled because, you see, TRUST was never involved in the first place.



Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

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