Russell Brand is doing a wonderful, wonderful thing. He has started a revolution or as he often refers to it, a RELOVEUTION. I love that he is doing it. And I thank him from the depths of my heart.
He is using every potential that he has tapped into to do something that he hopes will benefit all of humanity. I hope that too. I absolutely believe it can and I want to be a part of it. And it is in that spirit that I have written the following:
Creative thinking only begins when we allow ourselves the freedom to imagine what we want, having identified what we don’t want. But for so many of us, this can be difficult.
After generations of being conditioned to settle for less, the individual emerges brow beaten into accepting the status quo as normal and mistakes ‘normal’ for ‘natural’. ‘This is life’ s/he says and thinks and FEELS.
This is why I believe we must become SELF-AWARE, which means to be aware of our fear-driven conditioned self as well as our fearless unconditioned self. Any action that we take must come from this state of Awareness because this is the state of truth and of true power. And, incidentally, of Love, not just for some but for all.
This is also when I believe the perception/illusion of division ceases because both the so-called ‘powerful’ and the so-called ‘powerless’ share the common conditioning of FEAR, just expressed in different ways. The Perceived Powerful are driven by fear to control and possess. The Perceived Powerless are driven by fear to submit and resent.
But we must recognize that these are PERCEPTIONS of the conditioned mind. This is how we have learned to see the world and the people in it. The TRUTH is something else and if we are to have a revolution, we must have a revolution that is anchored in TRUTH and NOT in PERCEPTIONS no matter how readily they lend themselves to our arguments and justifications.
You see, truth needs no argument or justification. As A Course In Miracles so startlingly states, ‘Anything real cannot be destroyed. Anything unreal does not exist. Herein lies the peace of god’.
To have a revolution that feeds on DIVISION would only reinforce the conditioning of FEAR and SEPARATION that already exists. That is not to say that we should pretend that there are NO DIFFERENCES between people. Of course there are but we must not feed those differences that serve to divide us. Instead, we must feed those things that unite us and what unites us is our fundamental nature of connectedness or oneness.
In our conditioned consciousness, the relationship between the Perceived Powerful and the Perceived Powerless is what I would call asymbiotic rather than parasitic. It is asymbiotic because both species ultimate do a disservice to each other by keeping each other in servitude to fear.
The recognition of this fact was so powerfully captured by Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King who maintained in their respective ways:
No one is free until all are free.
There cannot be peace for some unless there is peace for all.
So, a true and useful revolution would be one that has at its core the desire and the intention to liberate ALL not just some. I know this is idealistic but isn’t that what revolutions are about? Idealism? To stretch the perceived limits of possibility? To encourage and inspire a BETTER, more loving spirit? Because if this revolution is not about that, then I’m opting out.
And let me tell you, it is not as if I do not have a bone of resentment in me. I do. I do experience resentment, though far less than I used to, about the fact that we live in a world where most people have to spend most of their lives doing work that they dislike and which results in building stress which in turn leads to dis-ease of mind, body and spirit.
I do lament the fact that most of the jobs that people do are really not worth doing and in fact, perpetuate the hierarchical systems that divide us and dishonor our spirit.
I do lament the fact that most of the jobs that people do feed our wanton consumerism while hurting our planet.
I do lament the fact that most people are kept in a perpetual cycle of fear, distrust, isolation and division by legitimized institutions of power and propaganda including the media, our governments and those with a lot of money.
And I won’t deny that these resentments and laments are, if not directly, certainly indirectly pointed in the direction of the ‘FACELESS OTHER’. But seriously folks, I’m done with that and I hope that you are too.
Let’s not finger point because, given our conditioning, if the tables were turned, we could just as easily be the ‘FACELESS OTHER’. Instead, let’s please seek to envision a BETTER DEAL FOR EVERYONE at the most fundamental level of our being. Let the revolution begin in our HEARTS and MINDS FIRST. Only then can it truly be a RELOVEUTION.
PLEASE, LET’S CHANGE THE INSIDE BEFORE WE SEEK TO CHANGE THE OUTSIDE. Let’s intend a major tectonic shift in our hearts and minds and let that shift direct our words and actions.
In fact, when the INSIDE changes, the OUTSIDE must change. It is inevitable since the outside is an EFFECT of the inside which is its CAUSE!MENTORING
Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.
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