Are you ready to release yourself from prison?


We revel in recognition and praise. We seek it especially when we have put so much effort into what we do. The feedback we get can make or break us. If it’s great feedback, it does wonders for our self-esteem and self-worth. If it’s not, we might feel unappreciated and disappointed and we might beat ourselves up.


Yet, there is a greatness within us that is beyond praise or reproach, that can neither be enhanced by worldly accomplishments nor diminished by perceived failures. That greatness is the very presence of life itself within us, as us. Nothing is greater than it. And nothing is diminished by it. It is our very nature – Indestructible, Unenhanceable and Unsurpassable.


Have you ever encountered it? It is always present. YOU are always present. But you may not be present to YOU/IT. Even a glimpse of it can be a revolutionary experience. And sometimes, a glimpse is all we can cope with for it is indeed awe-inspiring as St John of the Cross declared.


Even a brush with our own true, natural, unearned, unconditioned, unconditional greatness is an experience so empowering, so liberating that we might never want to experience anything else. But, to our great dismay, the experience is over all too quickly. So quickly that we seriously doubt if we actually had it. It was just an illusion, a freakish moment, we tell ourselves.


We’d unwisely let our imagination run wild. We won’t do that again. We’ll guard against allowing ourselves to be that free, that unguarded. We’ll keep ourselves secure in our prison of conditioned beliefs and expectations. That’s where we can at least anticipate our failures and prepare for them. That’s where we can engineer our successes and claim our rewards. As for this unlimited, unbounded greatness, this hiding aliveness that reveals itself so unpredictably, that is untouched by worldly gains and losses, it best be forgotten.


Yet, like it or not, that’s who you truly, deeply and completely are – Indestructible, Unenhanceable and Unsurpassable. And you can experience it, again and again and again.


Are you ready to release yourself from prison?

Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!