Meditation – this and more
Find out more about how I can help you begin, renew or deepening your Meditation practice here
Meditation – this and more Read More »
Find out more about how I can help you begin, renew or deepening your Meditation practice here
Meditation – this and more Read More »
The power and strength of the bamboo lies in 2 things: Its flexibility and freedom to yield to the wind Its firm anchor in the ground Without being firmly anchored in the ground, it will simply be blown here and there by the wind. Without being flexible and free, in other words, if it
The power and strength of the Bamboo Read More »
I sit in the midst of life renewing its infinite self Trance rhythms vibrate in the field of my being The occasional gurgle of the butcher bird soothes All of life in an orgasmic self-renewal Available every single moment Completely free Enjoy this
I sit in the midst of life Read More »
If you believe in a universe of infinite possibilities, you will see that everything, everything – good or bad – is an expression of possibility. If you believe in the importance of living in harmony with universal truths, then you will see why it is necessary to ACCEPT everything. Everything. Without exception. Does this
To change, first accept Read More »
What have you said ‘Yes’ to today? Today, have you said Yes to Deep Peace? True Power? Gentle Joy? Openness? Confidence? Freedom? Unconditional Love? Self-Awareness? Wealth? Effortless Living? Peak Health? Wondrous Imagination? If you haven’t, why not? If you haven’t, what have you said ‘Yes’ to?
What have you said ‘Yes’ to Today? Read More »
Imagine a little wave turning its back on the endless ocean saying: “I’m not doing this anymore. I want to go do my own thing. I don’t want to be part of you. I will go off and be my own unique self.” Well, the ocean continues to be and do what it has
The little wave and the endless ocean Read More »
NOTE: In case you’re not familiar with the archetypes and metaphors that Rumi uses, the Seeker is one who is looking for the ultimate in life – truth and liberation. The Beloved is the Ultimate, the Transcendent, God, Infinite Intelligence, the Source, the Field or the Divine. We are all Seekers but that’s not all
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed when you read or listen to or view something by someone whose work you greatly admire? Do you sometimes find your initial enthusiasm and enjoyment being stealthily overtaken by a mounting sense of gloom or despair or anxiety or insecurity or unworthiness as you compare yourself and your work with
How Mastery can take you into the powerful Unlearned Read More »
The Master knows that she is being guided by Infinite Intelligence, by Love. She knows she can trust this completely. The Master knows that all things come to her with ease rather than with effort. She knows that the Power of the Universe is hers to use and direct in whatever way she chooses.
Why do we judge people? Why do we find fault with others? Think about someone that you have judged unfavourably or found fault with recently. Just bring that person to mind and think of the judgements and criticism you have held against them. Now ask yourself: So what if s/he is such and such? What’s