Lucy Lopez

To change, first accept

If you believe in a universe of infinite possibilities, you will see that everything, everything – good or bad – is an expression of possibility. If you believe in the importance of living in harmony with universal truths, then you will see why it is necessary to ACCEPT everything. Everything. Without exception.   Does this

To change, first accept Read More »

Who are you?

NOTE: In case you’re not familiar with the archetypes and metaphors that Rumi uses, the Seeker is one who is looking for the ultimate in life – truth and liberation. The Beloved is the Ultimate, the Transcendent, God, Infinite Intelligence, the Source, the Field or the Divine. We are all Seekers but that’s not all

Who are you? Read More »

The Master

The Master knows that she is being guided by Infinite Intelligence, by Love. She knows she can trust this completely.   The Master knows that all things come to her with ease rather than with effort.   She knows that the Power of the Universe is hers to use and direct in whatever way she chooses.

The Master Read More »

Why do we judge?

Why do we judge people? Why do we find fault with others? Think about someone that you have judged unfavourably or found fault with recently. Just bring that person to mind and think of the judgements and criticism you have held against them. Now ask yourself: So what if s/he is such and such? What’s

Why do we judge? Read More »