Can the Insane recognize their Insanity?

What thoughts are you thinking right now? And more importantly, what are the FEELINGS that underlie those thoughts?

Most of us believe that our thoughts are things we have little or no control over. We assume that we are subject to their constant stream whether we like it or not and that there’s little that we can do about it.

The truth is, we have learned our thoughts and we have learned how to think. And if we can learn something, we can certainly unlearn or at the very least, learn different and new.

Image from PxHere

A child enters this material world without a personal library of its own thoughts. And even though the library of Collective Consciousness is a vast and well used one,  the child has yet to learn how to actively tap into it. Regrettably,  it learns this all too quickly from parents anxious for it to conform to the world and by other teachers and significant others who believe it necessary that the child thinks and behaves like everyone else. A miniscule bandwidth for ‘individual expression’ is sometimes allowed but even that is kept under close guard.

Bottom line – we are not as free and independent in our thinking as we like to ‘think’ we are! We are all receiving from and broadcasting back to a fairly stable and well used collective library of thoughts.  That is, until we decide to question our thoughts. Believe it or not, that is one of the most radical things a human being can possibly do – to question the very content of her/his mind.

It is so colossally revolutionary that it can even appear to threaten our very sanity, that is, until we realize how INSANELY we have been living all this while…

Imposing unnatural borders and barriers between ourselves personally, socially, financially, politically, geographically…

Being cowered into existing rather than thriving by doing what we are each uniquely and naturally born to do in this lifetime…

Believing that this is a finite universe with limited resources and not all of us can have all that we truly desire…

Failing to recognize the power of our thoughts and FEELINGS

Giving up the natural impulse to expect EVERYTHING of life

Failing to see that we ARE Life expressing itself uniquely as each one of us…

Resisting the natural and effortless flow of Life, of Universal Energy by believing in struggle and effort…

Believing that we must protect ourselves from one another…

Believing that ‘evil’ is something real and that it exists outside of us…

Believing that there is an ‘outside of us’…

Failing to see that we are the all-encompassing whole…

Forgetting what we intuitively felt and knew before we learned to think – that there is only One Source, One Power, One Field and we are it…

But can the insane recognize their own insanity? Fortunately, they can. It’s called ‘waking up’.

I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I have been knocking from the inside!



Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

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