
Forgiving can be a hard thing

Forgiving can be a hard thing.  A very hard thing. Why do I say that? Because it feels hard. It feels like we’re being asked to do something superhuman. But we’re only human, aren’t we? Why should I, the victim, the recipient, of someone else’s awfulness, recklessness,  childishness, lovelessness… be the one to give in and […]

Forgiving can be a hard thing Read More »

Did I create this problem? The clamor of Separation Consciousness

When you’re experiencing discomfort, anger, impatience or anything unpleasant as you engage in conversation with someone or with yourself, remind yourself that your Ego has taken control of your mind. For the Ego, drama is the adrenaline boost it needs to remind itself that it is ‘alive’ and ‘relevant’ and ‘still in charge’. When there

Did I create this problem? The clamor of Separation Consciousness Read More »

Why do we judge?

Why do we judge people? Why do we find fault with others? Think about someone that you have judged unfavourably or found fault with recently. Just bring that person to mind and think of the judgements and criticism you have held against them. Now ask yourself: So what if s/he is such and such? What’s

Why do we judge? Read More »

Dark chocolate with orange and cinnamon doesn’t exist because I haven’t come across it

You are not who and what you think and believe you are as long as you think that you are imperfect, flawed, weak, inadequate, fearful or any of those things that feel unpleasant, painful or disempowering. That ‘you’ that you believe in so strongly is a direct result of your conditioning, collective and individual. Who

Dark chocolate with orange and cinnamon doesn’t exist because I haven’t come across it Read More »