Living Mindfully

How your thoughts keep energy stuck, how this results in dis-ease and how to get energy flowing freely again

If you understand that thought directs energy, you will understand that dwelling on the same thought keeps energy stuck.   Let’s look at some practical implications of this. When you keep thinking, ‘My knee hurts’ or ‘I have a weak bladder’ or ‘I can never make enough money’ or ‘My relationships never last’, while each

How your thoughts keep energy stuck, how this results in dis-ease and how to get energy flowing freely again Read More »

Can we ‘know’ and ‘see’ beyond thought and labels and why would that be useful?

We have given a name to everything – people, objects, sensations, feelings, phenomena. As soon as we know the name of something, our experience of that thing is mediated through that name and all the accumulated information held therein. When I see something, the initial nanosecond of just seeing it is instantly overridden by the thought/label,

Can we ‘know’ and ‘see’ beyond thought and labels and why would that be useful? Read More »

11 +1 Profound and Practical Benefits of Breath Awareness Practice

It settles the conditioned mind, allowing thoughts and feelings to settle like mud in a glass of muddy water, thereby revealing the clear water mind, the natural mind. It enables you to practice non-attachment and non-aversion by merely observing thoughts, feelings, sensations, images etc to arise and naturally fall away without getting caught up in

11 +1 Profound and Practical Benefits of Breath Awareness Practice Read More »

Why do we feel fearful, disempowered and overwhelmed and how can we remain anchored in peace, joy and certainty?

Why do we feel anxious, disempowered and overwhelmed and how can we remain anchored in peace, joy and certainty?   The short and complete answer is that we are not anchored in truth, in the essence of our Being, in Love and we must spend time in this truth, in our essential nature. But let

Why do we feel fearful, disempowered and overwhelmed and how can we remain anchored in peace, joy and certainty? Read More »