An exercise in Allowing

We are each unique and equal expressions of Love, Life, God, Infinite Intelligence. We are each a creative expression of the Divine which is not separate from us but intimately expressing in, as and through us.

When we stand on the (w)holy ground of this Awareness, we are aligned with the natural current or flow of that which we are. When we are not on the ground of Awareness, we obstruct the natural flow of that which we are.

Image from Stock Snap

This obstruction affects all of life but is perhaps most felt by us and those we perceive to be in close relationship with. When the flow of life is obstructed, we all feel its painful effect, individually and collectively, consciously or, mostly, unconsciously.

We obstruct the flow of Life, which is Love, which is God, with our thoughts, beliefs, opinions, expectations, judgments, demands, fears, sense of unworthiness, guilt and so on.

We allow the flow of Life, Love, God, when we align with all that it is – peace, joy, power, greatness, kindness, acceptance, openness, enthusiasm and so on.

How can we align with these states of being?

By allowing ourselves to enter and experience these states of being.

Image by Nazeerboodin at Wikimedia

Visualization or imagery helps us do this. By using our imagination and the energy of our desires, we can enter into and allow ourselves to experience the states of being that we most desire.

For instance, if I want to experience good health. I must ALLOW myself to experience it. To do this, I can using my imagination to visualize what it would be like to be in peak health. I can go through every part of my body and as I do so, I can ALLOW myself to FEEL the wonderfulness of being in peak health. It is this feeling of wonderfulness, of wellbeing, which I allow myself to mentally, emotionally and physiologically experience that will turn what I imagine into a physical reality.

Allowing yourself to feel the fulfillment of your desires is the key.

Note, it is not the actual outcome of perfect health (or any other desire/goal/intention) but the experience of FEELING the fulfillment of what I desire that will drive an Intention, Goal or Desire into its physical or space-time manifestation. Allowing yourself to feel the fulfillment of your desires is the key.

To put it another way, you should not make feeling good, wonderful and healthy contingent upon actually being healthy. This is expressed in the thought or belief:

I will feel healthy when I am healthy.

Rather, understand that being healthy is contingent upon you feeling good, wonderful and healthy. This is expressed in the thought or realization:

When I feel healthy, I will be healthy.

So, practice ALLOWING yourself to feel healthy.

Do this by strengthening and extending the flexibility of your imagination and your FEELING muscles more generally first. Visualize things that you would normally never consider doing. Make them as unlikely and as novel for you as you possibly can. You might do this by considering this question:

What shall I imagine doing and being that I’ve never done or been before and that would be fun to do?

Image by Massimo Barbieri at Wikimedia

Then allow your imagination to ‘do’ it in your mind. Try to get into as much detail about it as you can. This will help generate the emotions that you want to experience which in turn will build new neural pathways in your brain and body setting you up in orientation and attitude for whatever action is inspired.

Please don’t get distracted by how you’re going to accomplish whatever unusual goal you’ve decided to have fun with. Focus instead on the actual doing and being. Visualize yourself actually doing and being what you desire. This is how you allow Love, Life, God, to flow in response to and in the direction of your desire and the emotions that they evoke.

Why would you want anything if it wasn’t because of the wonderful feelings and state of being it evokes and allows from within you?

Remind yourself that it is not the actual physical manifestation that is the end goal but the way you feel that is most important. After all, why would you want anything if it wasn’t because of the joy, the wellbeing, the peace that is associated with it?

Remind yourself also that it is what you feel that will drive any Intention, Desire or Goal into manifestation. Have fun with it. Think of some of the more unusual and unexpected things that you have never considered doing, being or having. Perhaps you have been too scared to desire them or to acknowledge your desire for them. For instance, it could be inventing something or taking part in an event such as a singing or dancing performane or speaking a different language.

Remind yourself that this is an exercise in ALLOWING yourself to mentally, emotionally and physiologically feel good, excited and well. The more you allow, the more of the energy and power of Love, Life or God, you allow to flow in, as and through you.

As you get better at allowing, you can apply the same principles and process to any goal, intention or desire including good health.

Does this mean that you need not take any action? No, not at all. But, any action that is taken will be guided by the flow of Love/Life/ God and its power rather than any harsh, effortful form of ‘will power’.

Image from McLeod – Archiv at Wikimedia

You will find that action inspired by Love/Life/God/Infinite Intelligence has a magnetic pull about it, drawing you effortlessly and compellingly to itself. This is because the power of Love/Life/God (and there is no other power) is what is inspiring (filling) and moving you into action rather than some mental, Egoic effort.

So practice ALLOWING and moving in the direction of the pull of Love which is Life which is God which is who and what you truly are!

Image by Σ64 at Wikimedia
Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

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