Miracles are commonplace when our conditioned perception of reality is unhinged. When we are able to see that, while we walk a time-space bound reality, we are in fact of a reality that is fundamentally timeless and infinite.
We can experience this timeless, infinite reality in meditation when we become fully present, when we allow all the mental noise to settle like mud in a glass of muddy water. It is then that the clear water becomes visible above the mud. In other words, it is then that the preoccupations of our history and our future projections settle in the bottom of our conscious mind and the clear, timeless, boundless mind is experienced.
The more we experience this quality of mind, this timeless, infinite state of consciousness, the more we realize how painfully limiting our preoccupations with the past and the future are. And not only do we realize their limitation, we realize their inherently false, historically construed, story-driven nature.
All our preoccupations are stories. Stories that we have individually and collectively woven through our personal and collective experience. Our realization of this presents us with an opportunity to ask:
Why this story? Why not another? Why do I allow myself to be bound, to be defined, to be predicted by this story?
These are powerful questions, filled with the potential of the ‘miracle’ since a miracle is an event that defies our storied expectations and perceptions.
When we recognize the limitation and the inherent falsehood of our stories, we discover a boldness, a conviction, a faith that has no respect for limitation. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say, has no knowledge of limitation.
All limitation is perceived by the conditioned mind, the historical, story-bound mind. But the unconditioned mind, the clear water mind, the timeless, infinite mind that has no his-story, no her-story, is free, limitless and capable of perceiving and calling forth that which limitation would not allow.
This is innocence – in essence – our true nature. Its natural joy, its natural creativity awakens possibilities that can astound, delight, enchant and yes, overcome perceived limitation. It can summon the miraculous.
So, allow the story, the preoccupations with the past and the future to settle like mud in a glass of muddy water.
Enter into the present. Experience the clear water, limitless mind. Do it often. Become so familiar with it that the conditioned mind with all its preoccupations, all its stories can be seen for what it truly is – a creator of stories, nothing more. Then, imbued with this realization, call forth the miracle.
Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.
Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!