


*     Everything in the physical world does not exist as they appear


*     You are not what you appear to yourself and others


*     You are an energy field of potentiality and part of an infinite energy field of potentiality or Universal Energy Field


*     With your dominant thoughts and dominant feelings you create your reality


*     There is no such thing as a separate or independent individual or being.  Every individual or being arises out of the one Universal Energy Field


*     The natural impulse of the Universal Energy Field is creative and its natural movement is effortless or flow

*     When you align yourself with the natural impulse and movement of the Universal Energy Field, you live and flow creatively and effortlessly


*     When you do not align yourself with the natural impulse and movement of the Universal Energy Field, you live and struggle redundantly and effortfully


*     Darkness is the absence of light.  Darkness does not exist as an independent entity in and of itself


*     Disease, Lack and Loss are functions of what is absent i.e. Wellness, Abundance and Wholeness


*     ‘Allowing’ Wellness, Abundance and Wholeness is the effortless way by which we experience them


*     Sin, like darkness, has no existence in and of itself.  It is merely the absence of Awareness.  Sin is simply Ignorance


*     It is pointless fighting or trying to stop or eradicate what does not exist such as ‘sin’, ‘poverty’, ‘disease’ and ‘war’.  Each of these is the result of the absence of what is naturally and abundantly present in the Universal Energy Field, namely Awareness, Abundance, Wellness and Peace.  ALLOWING what is naturally present enables us to effortlessly experience it


*     ‘Being in the Flow’ means aligning with the natural creative impulse and movement of the Universal Energy Field


*     When you’re in the flow, life is effortless.  When you’re against the flow, life is effortful


*     You get in the flow with thoughts and feelings that feel good and that are dominant and persistent


*     You’re against the flow with thoughts and feelings that don’t feel good and that are dominant and persistent


*     Choosing thoughts and feelings that feel good and making them your dominant and persistent thoughts and feelings keeps you in the flow


*     You have no ultimate purpose other than to be


*     I AM is a purposeless and perpetual state of being


*     When you think, feel, speak and act in terms of ‘I am…’, you maintain a perpetual state of being in accordance with what you declare eg ‘I am hungry’, ‘I am an addict’, ‘I am poor’, ‘I am struggling’, ‘I am weak’ etc


*     We are all consciously or unconsciously trying to return to our natural and purposeless state of being


*     The ‘you’ that you appear to be exists only in a conditioned, physical world, shaped by your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and perceptions


*     Everything, including thoughts, feelings, perceptions, words and actions have consequences i.e. they trigger reactions or responses


*     By far, thoughts and especially feelings have the most powerful and far-reaching consequences and are always the precursors or CAUSES of what is experienced in the physical, conditioned world whether in physical or non-physical form


*     What appears in the physical world as action and reaction has its origins in the non-physical world of thoughts and feelings


*     All healing – physical, emotional or mental – is the result of ALLOWING the natural impulse and movement of the Universal Energy Field instead of blocking or resisting it


*     Imagination is the most powerful way of using thought and feeling creatively i.e. creating what is desired in the material/physical world
