How to become best friends with your feelings

The danger with trying to meet your feelings in the absence of the Light of Love, which is the Light of Awareness is that you (your conditioned mind) and your feelings remain in darkness


To become best friends with your feelings, you don’t judge or correct. You listen and understand. And you allow the Light of Love that you truly are to shine, unblocked, so that your feelings are naturally and effortlessly and spontaneously illumined by the Light and so become Love itself.

Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know

Pema Chodron

How do I find the Light of Love that I truly am? Close your eyes and sit in Presence. Note everything without judging, critiquing, seeking to change. Just observe everything – your thoughts, feelings, sensations, and yes, your judgments and your criticisms as well. You do this by using your breath as an anchor and as a point of focus. It will take consistent practice. But it will get easier just as any other new skill or habit that you seek to cultivate. Be gentle, be kind to yourself. This is not a test or a race. It is a gentle, compassionate process of re-member-ing (rejoining with) your true nature which is Love.

So, to become best friends with your feelings, first learn how to sit in the Light of Love. As you are able to do this, allow the feeling that you wish to work with – anger, guilt, unworthiness, fear (choose one) etc and sit with it. Let it speak to you. Listen openly, deeply and compassionately. Be curious in a gentle way. Ask it questions if you need to. When it has said all it needs to, hug it. Assure it that you will take care of it, that it is perfectly safe with you. You see, as you do this, you are in fact, allowing the Light of Love to shine on it, healing it by illuminating it completely.

The danger with trying to meet your feelings in the absence of the Light of Love, which is the Light of Awareness is that you (your conditioned mind) and your feelings remain in darkness, which is where you have mostly been! Trying to see clearly isn’t possible in darkness, is it? And trying to be understanding in the absence of Love isn’t really possible either, is it?

So, do have a go. Practice. Experience the Light yourself, then offer it to your feelings and become best friends with them 🙂

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