How do you suppose your current reality was created?

You must rise above your circumstances, above what appears to be real in your physical world. Why? Because unless you have a different vision to that which is currently in view, you cannot create a different reality. And if you’re going to mentally and emotionally construct a different reality, does it not make sense to create by imagining the best, most joyous, most extravagant vision you can currently construct? This new, greater inner reality will now be the cause of a new and greater outer reality.
How do you suppose your current outer reality was created? By the thoughts and feelings that you have had, possibly ones that had become habit, having been practised over many years. This would be certainly true if you find the same kind of experiences repeating themselves regardless of the fact that you might have made changes on the surface – new job, new partner, new bathroom, new hobby, new best friend, taken a holiday and so on.
And why is that? Because while external details may have changed, the same internal patterns of thoughts, feelings and beliefs haven’t. But with new thoughts, different feelings, different beliefs and a different vision, you create a different inner reality from which you cannot but experience a different outer reality. It may not happen immediately but with consistent practice, it is guaranteed. And the more practice you get, the easier and quicker it gets.
For instance, you will never create a healthy body by consistently thinking and feeling disease. Nor will you create financial abundance by consistently thinking and feeling poor. Do you expect to be free of an addiction to alcohol or drugs or sex if you are consistently thinking about them, your addiction to them and your failure to break your addiction and feeling all the feelings that come with such thoughts?
If we wish to change our outer reality, to have different lived experiences, we must change our inner reality by thinking different thoughts, having different feelings and imagining better realities that rise above our current reality.
To free yourself of an addiction, you must see, think and feel yourself as someone who is so fulfilled, so alive, so joyous, so peaceful, so engaged with other life-giving activities that the thought of your addictions doesn’t even arise! It will take practice just like any new skill we are seeking to acquire but it is not only possible, it is consistent with Universal Laws.
Today, we are all so taken with the ideas of neuroplasticity, how the brain (and other body parts) can change by rewiring and refiring different neurons and releasing different patterns or flows of neurotransmitters. And we are also beginning to appreciate the impact of the environment – external and internal – on our genes, something called epigenetics.
These things provide us with a picture of some of the underlying technology that bring about change in our bodies. Importantly, they tell us that our mental and emotional habits are wired and fired in a consistent and predictable way regardless of any surface changes you may make.
In other words, if you want surface/outer changes to stick, you must back them up with new thinking and feeling habits that can wire and fire differently and that can become embedded more permanently. In short, they confirm the fundamental principle that we must abide by and that is:

With our thoughts, we create the world
What is one thing that you wish was different in your life? Is it merely a wish or a strong desire? What kind of feelings, sensations and thoughts does this desire arouse in you? Notice them and see if they are coming from a state of lack or absence of the thing or whether they are from of state of enjoying the (imagined) presence of it in your life.
Hold an image of your strong desire in your mind. Imagine ONE action that you would perform if this desire was already manifested. Then, release desire and action to the Universe, God, Infinite Intelligence (whatever name you give to ultimate reality).
When I change my inner world, my outer world changes.
MENTORING Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.MINDFULNESS ONLINE Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!