We are at the very end of 2014 and we are collectively getting ready to draw the curtains on an old year and turn our minds to a new year. It’s that time when we might feel a little more reflective as we do a stocktake of our mental, emotional, physical and yes, even financial year.
It’s also that time when we look to the New Year and wonder and determine how it is going to turn out for us. Perhaps we wonder more than we determine. Perhaps we don’t feel confident enough about determining (Who knows what 2015 will bring?).
Instead, we nervously hope that we’ll have a better year than we did in 2014. And if 2014 happened to be a good year for you, well then you might hope that 2015 is at least as good.
Or we may flex our emotional and mental muscles and attempt a show of bravado as we effortfully WILL ourselves a better year.
I wrote about ‘confidence’ last time. It is about placing our firm belief, our TRUST, in that which is real and true – our essential nature, our god-nature, our true nature.
As we get ready to farewell the old year and usher in the new, let’s just pause and consider HOW we would like to enter the New Year and how we would like to live the New Year.
We could go for ‘We’ll see’ or we could go for “I’ll damn well do better’ or we could go for ‘I’ll go confidently’. I’m definitely choosing the third. What about you?
By ‘going confidently’, I shall be placing my TRUST in that which I know to be true, to be indestructible, unenhanceable and incorruptible – my true nature.
That SELF that I encounter when I sit in meditation and allow the preoccupations of my mind to settle.
That SELF that I experience as being UNCONDITIONAL.
That SELF that I experience as being peaceful, joyous, limitless and free.
That SELF that I express more and more of as I become more and more familiar with it.
That SELF that I experience as the SOURCE and CAUSE of all that is.
That is what I shall be placing my trust in. That is what I shall enter the New Year with complete confidence in, knowing that its power, energy, intelligence and possibility are not just unsurpassable but really, all there is.
Recently, I was in a discussion with my siblings. One of them had showered praise upon another for his many, unpublicized acts of kindness and charity.
The recipient of this praise, however, appeared to recoil in discomfort and denial, assuring us that he was not being ‘falsely modest’ while redirecting our attention to others in the family (including our parents) whom he claimed were more deserving of such praise.
I responded by saying this:
We’re in this quandary because we believe that it is possible to do (some) things independently of the Source and Cause of all.
I had previously said that all good deeds should be celebrated and credited to god/love.
What I’m saying is that if we identify with our egoic self instead of our Essential Self, then we are certain to experience and express limitation which makes ‘success’ and ‘achievement’ as well as ‘failure’ a real and personal thing.
But in the consciousness of our Essential/True Self, such things as ‘success’, ‘failure’, ‘achievement’ and so on are meaningless. Instead, thinking in terms of ‘Cause and Effect’ would be more useful.
Everything arises out of the one Source and Cause. Everything. Without exception.
If we are going to attribute ‘praise’ (and this is one of those words that I have dropped from my vocabulary along with ‘proud’), then surely it is to the Source and Cause of all things?
Now, you may call that God or Infinite Intelligence or Brahman or… but it is the only Source and Cause of all things.
And what we must remember is that we are NOT separate from the Source and Cause! We are each a whole and unique expression of it. It is only when we see ourselves separate from it that we get into the egotistical habit of trying to give or receive praise as a personal and separated entity.
And rather than ‘praise’, I prefer to think in terms of ‘celebrate’.
So, as I finish my last note to you in 2014, I want to wish you Confidence in the Joy and Peace, the Power and Possibility and the Freedom and Limitlessness of your TRUE, ESSENTIAL SELF!
And I’d like to give you the biggest smile and hug along with it 🙂 |