SHADOWS SHOW US WHERE LIGHT HAS BEEN BLOCKED. wouldn’t it make sense to turn around and face the light rather than fight the shadow?

I know it’s immediately obvious to you the absurdity of fighting a shadow. And yet, that’s what we do in life. Let me explain.
Have you ever felt the need to overcome your *laziness*, your *inertia*, your *lack of motivation”, your *guilt*, your *anger*, your *fear*, your *forgetfulness*, your *procrastination*…?
And yes, that is exactly what I’m suggesting – that all of these and the many other *negative* states or traits that we seek to overcome, to rid our lives of, are shadows. Meaning? They are not real. And that’s not the only similarity they share with shadows.
Like shadows, they are the result of light being blocked. In other words, when the natural qualities of Light or Love are blocked, that’s when we experience these negative states.
Instead of trying to fight these *empty* shadows, which is such an exhausting and pointless exercise, the enlightened thing to do would be to allow Light/Love to flow without resisting it.
Think about the way you typically deal with any of these *negative* or *unpleasant* or *disempowering* states or feelings. Perhaps you try to suppress them or avoid them or deny them or quickly mask them with other thoughts or activities.
None of these really work and certainly not in the long term. You cannot keep running away from yourself or distracting yourself or denying yourself forever. And the futility and insanity of this becomes obvious when you realize that what you’re running away from or suppressing or denying is not even real!
The only logical and, in the end, painless and liberating way to deal with anything unreal is to allow what is real. And what is real is Light or Love and all its qualities therein.
And the easiest way to do this is to allow those qualities to naturally arise within us using this 3-step Technique that I teach.
Now, before I explain the 3-step Technique, let me lay down a few simple
- Be in touch with your feelings. Without being aware, you really have no idea what shadow you’re fighting or even the fact that you’re fighting!
- Being aware means being present. You need to be in touch with your feelings as you are experiencing them. Now, this can happen in 2 ways. You can either be aware of them as they arise in a given *real life* situation OR you can be aware of them as you retrospectively or prospectively bring up in your mind a specific situation either from the past or one you can see yourself in in the future. Until you become competent with the technique, it is probably going to be easier for you to use it in the latter scenario.
- When you become aware of the Shadow feeling, allow it to arise and express itself fully. You need to be aware of the entire spectrum of Light or Love that you are blocking in order to allow all of it. So, give yourself all the time you need.
- Do not assume you know how you are feeling. In other words, do not rely on old framings or labels of situations which are often inaccurate shortcuts or surface feelings that your fearful/conditioned mind will offer. Regard each experience as *new* and allow the shadow feelings to reveal themselves to you. Let me explain what I mean with
An example
I’ve been writing. I come to a point where I’m not feeling good. I pause and check in with my feelings. I don’t ask questions like: Am I bored? Am I angry? Instead, I simply sit and wait for the shadow feelings to arise. I am feeling a general sense of unplesantness but I have no label, no name for it I simply sit and let it continue to arise fully so that I can feel it fully. That’s all and that is what it is this time.
On a previous occasion, in a similar situation with writing, I felt an umpleasant feeling. When I allowed it to fully arise, I realized it was the feeling of *hard work*. It just felt hard, effortful. That was it that time. On another occasion, it will be different again.
The point to remember here is that each experience is to be treated as a unique and new one. Do not try to shortcut the process by using old labels, old responses, old descriptions to frame the shadow feelings. Doing that would be a pointless exercise. Instead, remain present to each unique experience in order to allow the unique part of the spectrum of Light/Love that you are blocking to flow through giving you exactly what you are missing in THIS specific moment.
Understand that
En-LIGHT-enment is not a one-time event. It is a moment-to-moment event!
- In the same way that you allow your shadow feelings to arise and reveal themselves fully, allow your Light/Love feelings to arise and reveal themselves fully also. Again, do not assume you know what you want to allow. It will be revealed to you from a deeper reality rather than from your conditioned mind. Again, it may not have a known label or name which is not important or necessary anyway. What is important and necessary is the FEELING itself.
In the case of my earlier example of feeling *hard work* or *effortful*, had I assumed that what I wanted to feel was *ease* or *effortless* (as my conditioned mind would have only too eagerly suggested), I would have ignored the deeper reality that was trying to reveal itself. On that particular occasion, it was actually the feeling of *freedom* that I was really wanting to feel and it was this quality of Light/Love that then came through in my writing!
- At first, your habitual anxiety, impatience or frustration might get in the way of allowing you to allow your shadow feelings and your Light/Love feelings to arise freely and fully. Remind yourself that this is just your habitual, conditioned response and that if you act on it, then nothing changes. (Remember, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results). Give yourself the freedom to ‘NOT KNOW’! Give yourself the sumptuous experience of discovering something new and real! Give yourself the intoxicating thrill of feeling something different and responding differently! I promise you, these are experiences you will have!
OK, now that I’ve given you the Guidelines, here is the ultra-simple, 3-step Technique (sometimes I think I should give it a more fancy name – any suggestions?).
GET’s 3-STEP TECHNIQUE to overcome any negative state, feeling or trait
STEP 1: Ask: How am I feeling? (Let Shadow feelings arise fully following Guidelines)
STEP 2: Ask: How would I like to feel? (Let Light/Love feelings arise fully following Guidelines)
STEP 3: Intend and commit to: I ALLOW this feeling to guide me in my thoughts, words and actions.
Please do not be fooled by the simplicity of the Technique. It has the power to change your life dramatically, heal your relationships instantly, restore health even from chronic illness and shift deeply embedded and disempowering habits of thought, feeling and behaviour instantly.
How do I know? Because it has done exactly this for me and when my clients have followed it correctly, they too have experienced amazing shifts.
I will say this though. My clients have also been on a Mentoring Journey with me where they have had the opportunity to learn and deeply understand the principles that underlie this Technique. You can find these principles in my FREE document, GET’s Timeless Truths Vol 1 .
MENTORING Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.
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