It hurts, but we’re all in this together

Dear People of Truth, Love and Possibility (for that’s what Bernie supporters are),

Bernie Sanders having #birdiesanders

Image from i24News

I am not allowing the sadness and disappointment I am feeling right now to get in the way of my writing this and reaching out to you. I imagine, that many of you, like me, are feeling devastated by our loss in the NY primaries. And maybe like me, you’re not quite sure how to handle this and what to do from here. And maybe like me, you’re looking for somewhere to go, some place of comfort, hope, encouragement, strength, assurance, something that will help you feel good again, strong again, hopeful again, energized again, motivated again. Some place or something that will make you feel like you haven’t just received the biggest smack on your face and been ridiculed and laughed at for being such an idiot and thinking that Hillary could be beaten or at least matched.


Well, I took my heavy heart and I visited a few places online and one of them was . As I scrolled through the tweets, I felt an increasing sense of despair. Truths that were uttered by those who were awake and aware long before we started to wake up stung my already fragile heart. Why? Because these truths, uttered so long ago, were being borne out today. It is gut wrenching to find that neither the passage of several generations nor the well established presence of social media has stopped the machinery of the powerful and corrupt from overriding the will and the aspirations of millions of people.


When you have so many people denied the right to vote in what America claims to be a democracy, you have to ask: How does this happen? And more importantly: Are we going to allow this to continue?


When you have some of the most influential providers of information i.e. Mainstream Media so arrogant and unapologetic in its suppression of information (Bernie Blackout) and bias in reporting (spin), you have to ask: Whose interests are they representing and why are we even bothering with them?


When you have a system of government and judiciary that consistently and second naturedly relies on deception and the support of the obscenely rich to prosecute their self-serving policies that disadvantage so many, you have to ask: Is this how so many have become so duped, dumbed down and immunized against the truth and the universal values of Love, Compassion, Fairness and Equity?


Most of all, you have to ask: Why is this still happening and what am I going to do about it?


We have been blessed with a man who, for over 50 years, has been doing something about it and who is leading the way for us to also do something about it. Against all the obvious odds – age, ethnicity, philosophy, policy, recognisability, electability, he has not only prevailed but won again and again in so many ways. He has won our hearts, he has inspired our dreams and he has charted a course that helps us to think and act beyond our personal interests. After all, hasn’t he said that his spirituality is recognizing that when another person hurts, he hurts?


What a monumental achievement it has been for Bernie to have campaigned at the pace and intensity that he has to date! Many a lot younger would not have coped. But he has kept his focus and his momentum and he has swept us up in it. We are blessed.


Dejected and disappointed as I am, I realize that there is only one direction that my heart is calling me and that is in the direction of Truth and Possibility. When all is said and done, I know my presence on this planet is not merely for the safety and security of my personal being and those of the people I know and love. It is for the good of all. In that sense, I know I stand firmly with Bernie. His light has not diminished. In fact, it has become brighter because it has lit the hearts and minds of millions not just in America but throughout the world.


People of Truth, of Bernie, of Love, smile. Smile through your sadness and disappointment. Smile and see that you are not alone. I know it hurts but we’re all in this together. We are a large force, a mighty movement of Love, Truth and Possibility and we’re  being led by our hearts and by an amazing human being. Together, our light shines bright and beautiful. Whatever the outcome from here on, we will keep berning brighter than ever. I refuse to give up. How could I give up on Love, on Truth and on Possibility? They’re the only things worth living for.


Take heart my Bernie sisters and brothers. We’ll keep the light berning all the way till we become a nation and a world that cares for every human being and the planet which so kindly allows us life! And if, along the way, we put Bernie in the White House, how wonderful it will be to know that we did it!  Love to all! Keep Berning!



Image from here

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