Lucy’s mad world

OK. Here’s the thing. We’re all mad and we’re all mad because we think our madness is normal. And we think that those who aren’t ‘normal’ are the ones who are mad.

What an upside down world that is!

But, here’s what’s important. It’s okay to be mad. Both the mad normal and the normal mad. And if that doesn’t make sense, it’s really quite okay. There are more important things to do with your time than try and figure out insane little conundrums like that.

So, what do I really want to say in this page? Well, really, to be honest I wasn’t exactly sure. I began with a whimsical idea of sharing with you some of the things that I enjoy doing but now that I’m actually writing this, I’m thinking that maybe it would be more interesting to you to tell you about some of the people or bodies of work/knowledge that have influenced me greatly.

Maybe I’ll do both.

Some of the things I get a kick out of

Looking into the great big sky and its phenomenally breathtaking and enchanting and magical and almost heart-stopping beauty and magnificence, whether it’s in the tentative fissures of dawn or the unveiling of the night or the…

Sorry folks, I know I’m being whimsical and utterly silly. But you have to be able to do that to try and stay at least a little bit sane.

If you happened to come here before reading anything else on this site, you might wonder if I should be taken seriously at all! Well, whether you take me seriously or not is not half as important as taking my work seriously, which I sincerely hope you do.

If you haven’t already stumbled upon it, may I direct you to some information about me that is a little more conventional, shall we say. In the meantime, I wish you a very good day or evening wherever you happen to be in this… mad world…



Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

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