The mind is everything. You become what you think.
Who are you?
We all know the *right* answers:
I’m spirit having a human experience
I’m God’s creation
I’m a manifestation of Love…
But I’m asking you, How do you really think about yourself?
Because how you really think about yourself, is, as the Buddha said, what you become.
Most of us have been conditioned into a life of smallness. It hurts us terribly, like a garment or a pair of shoes that are painfully too small. It constrains our mental and emotional creativity. It hurls obstacles in the path of our dreams. It defeats us even before we’ve begun.
Let me say it again:
Our smallness hurts us more than anything else.
It gives rise to our fears, our insecurities, our anxieties, our neediness and our inability or unwillingness to dream, to believe in our dreams and to pursue them. And even when we do, our smallness spares no effort in filling us with doubt.
Ultimately, the real cause of all our suffering – the lack of peace, prosperity, creative engagement, love, joy and everything good – arises out of one thing – our resistance to our natural greatness.
Fortunately for us, we have some amazing role models throughout history of men and women who refuted the lie of smallness and focused instead on the truth of their greatness. Who are they?
Well, for me, they are people such as Gandhi, Mother Teresa, the Buddha, Jesus, Mandela, da Vinci, Bethovan, Buckminster Fuller, Jung, Joseph Campbell, Martin Luther King, Aung San Sui Ki and Australia’s very own Nic Vujicic.
I want to stress that this is just a tiny selection from a mountain of towering individuals who have not just lived their greatness but as a result, influenced so many others, lifting them to their own greatness. And they have done this from a place of pure love rather than from an ego that sought personal glorification. At least, most of them did, most of the time.
I also want to acknowledge that this tiny list sadly does not reflect the countless unnamed and unknown (to us) individuals who, from one day to the next, express the greatness of their spirit as they live and look after loved ones under some of the most appalling conditions such as poverty, addiction, terminal illness and political, religious and economic oppression.
We are conditioned to believe that it is our wild, *unrealistic* dreams, our large goals, our lofty aspirations that are going to cause us the greatest anxiety, the greatest stress, the greatest heartache and the greatest fear and disappointment. But I have now come to see that
It is our reluctance and our resistance to living our dreams, goals and aspirations, in other words, our living small, that underlies all our stress, all our dis-ease, all our frustrations and all our fears and insecurities.
I urge you to give this some serious thought. Who are the people who are most stressed? When do you feel most stressed yourself? When you are fulfilling your grandest visions or when you are struggling to remain small and most likely assisting in the pursuit of someone else’s grand vision?
Let me be clear. There is nothing wrong with assisting others achieve their dreams but doing so at the expense of your own greatness, subject to the condition that you remain small, is not a loving thing. Not at all.
Also, pursuing a dream on the wings of love is completely different to pursuing one with your ego hot on your heels. The former is invigorating, enlightening, inspiring and effortless (even if, or should I say, especially if it entails things you’ve never done or encountered before including looking for answers to unfamiliar questions). The latter, on the other hand, is draining, effortful, and often fraught with fear, anxiety and doubt.
We’re coming to the end of another year and for me, this is one of the several times that I take stock of my time on this planet in this human form. I don’t just reflect on my tangible goals such as those relating to the work that I do with clients, the writing that I do on the internet and the progress I make on my guitar, in my cooking and on the mat with Aikido. I also reflect on my relationships and whether I have intentionally sought to bring more joy, more freedom, more thoughtfulness and more love into them. You see, each and every one of these is an avenue for the expression of the greatness that I truly am.
In the same way, the expression of your greatness is not confined to only some of the things you do. Your greatness i.e. that which you truly are, expresses itself in everything you do and in all the ways that you are! And in case you missed it, living your greatness is critical to your wellbeing!
The garment of smallness you’re wearing is not just uncomfortable, it’s choking the life out of you. Rip it off and live in your natural ever-expanding garment of greatness!
Living great!
PS Entrain into Greatness this holiday. Get my FREE Workbook, My Personal Manfesto, in which I help you connect with your boldest, truest, most liberating, thrilling and enlightened vision of yourself!MENTORING
Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.
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