Seekers or Ready Receivers?

I believe that many of us consider ourselves to be seekers. What do we seek?

Happiness, Freedom, Truth, Peace, Longevity, Health, Financial security and Soul-mate-ship might be some of the things we seek.

Imagine you’ve invited a friend over for dinner. You go about preparing the meal and preparing your home so that the two of you can have a really enjoyable time in a really nice space.

Imagine, however, that every few minutes, you go to the door or to the window to see if your friend has arrived. Or perhaps you frequently check your phone to see if she”s on her way or if she’s already parked or who knows…has had to cancel.

You can appreciate that doing this would detract from your ability to prepare everything with ease and enjoyment as at least some of your energy and attention would be diverted to something you could not possibly control i.e. your friend’s progress. Chances are, you will have built up some level of anxiety and tension by the time your friend arrives and you would have found it to be not entirely pleasant.

Next, imagine also the possibility (god forbid) that you completely forget that you’d invited your friend for dinner! However, as you go about your day, you have this nagging feeling, this sort of restlessness that something’s amiss. You can’t quite put your finger on it but you know that you’re not feeling at ease. When your friend shows up, you rush into a panic because you’re so ill-prepared. You do manage to put something on the table eventually, but there is neither the ambiance nor ability to really enjoy the meal and the time together.

Now, contrast this with a completely different scenario. One where you simply gave your attention and energy wholeheartedly to preparing your meal and your home, knowing without even having to think about it, that everything will be just fine. When your friend arrives, you’re ready for her. Sure, you may have been putting the finishing touches to that dessert when the door bell rings but, it doesn’t phase you. You’re ready. I’m sure you’ll agree that in this scenario, you’re more than likely to have a really good time, right?

When we are READY, when we have FAITH, we are no longer seeking. We are not even WAITING. Rather, we are mindfully absorbed in the activities at hand which we undertake with joy and ease. Nor have we forgotten that we’re keeping ourselves ready and what it is that we’re ready for.

As seekers, we are likely to find ourselves in one or other of these kinds of scenarios. The scenarios we’re more like to find ourselves in are where, on the one hand, we feel anxious, doubtful, lost, confused, lonely, helpless, hopeless and frustrated OR on the other hand, we have completely forgotten that we are actually seeking something or even what it is we are seeking. In both these scenarios of seeking, we are mindless.

Both of these scenarios are similar to the first two dinner scenarios that I described above. Most of us, I think, will find ourselves in one or other of them, often vacillating between the two. Rarely do we find ourselves in the third dinner scenario that I described, the one where we are mindfully absorbed in what we have to do without stress or strain. In this scenario, we are ready. This is the key word – READY. And what is the state of readiness that we’re in? That state of *knowing that everything will be fine*? I call it FAITH.

You see, when we are READY, when we have FAITH, we are no longer seeking. We are not even WAITING. Rather, we are mindfully absorbed in the activities at hand which we undertake with joy and ease. Nor have we forgotten that we’re keeping ourselves ready and what it is that we’re ready for.

Now, keeping ourselves ready begins with first spending time Imagining, Intending, Allowing and Giving Thanks in advance for all that is good for that is what we are in readiness for – all that is good! As a result, we expend just the required amount of time and energy – no more and no less – in being ready for their arrival.

We won’t need to keep checking. We know that all is well and will be well. Neither will we have forgotten that we are the receivers of all that is good. So, even as we keep ourselves ready for the arrival of all that is good, we are already enjoying all that is good!

Actually, it would be more accurate to say that it is by enjoying all that is good that we keep ourselves ready for (more of) all that is good! It is a win-win situation if you like that kind of analogy.

So, stop seeking. Instead, keep yourself in a state of readiness to receive all that is good by enjoying all that is good.

Join me every Tuesday and Thursday and experience what it is to be in readiness.

Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!