It is possible to think thoughts that uplift and empower you
Every thought is a projection of the conditioned mind/ego. The conditioned mind sees itself as separated from life and so, for it, life is happening to it. It does not see that it is Life. That there is nothing other than Life.
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
William James

So, for as long as we think thoughts, we might as well think thoughts that support us, that help us feel less separated or whole and complete, that help us feel less fearful, more capable, more powerful, more peaceful, more joyous, more compassionate, more loving.
Our common experience is that we slip in and out of this state of Love, of Awareness and when we slip out of it, we think.
Of course it would be even better if we could hold ourselves permanently in our natural state of love and truth in which we are naturally all these things. But our common experience is that we slip in and out of this state of Love, of Awareness and when we slip out of it, we think. So, it makes sense that we think thoughts that help us rather than hurt us.
Thoughts about Work and Prosperity
I do work that I love and it provides me with all kinds of prosperity including money, excitement, enjoyment, the ability to serve and the ability to express myself creatively and meaningfully
I am able to effortlessly draw money into my life and enjoy it.
I love having money and enjoying it with other people in so many different ways.
My income keeps increasing with such ease.
I keep doing work that expresses more and more of who and what I truly am.
Thoughts about Health
The source of all of life is life-giving and so I eagerly yield my mind and body to the source of life.
Every part of my body is completely capable of reaching into its natural design to express perfect health.
Perfect health is my natural state.
I keep getting fitter, more flexible and more energetic.
I love the way I feel and how my body feels and how I move and use my body.
My mind gets more and more efficient, calm and clear each day.
There is nothing that my mind is incapable of understanding or imagining if I so desire it.
Thoughts about Relationships
My relationships are loving, peaceful, joyous and are a great comfort to me.
I refuse to judge or criticize myself or others.
I keep experiencing the deeper truth of who and what I am so that I can enjoy life more and so that I can experience the deeper truth of others.
I refuse to hold anger, bitterness or envy toward another.
I refuse to be threatened by another.
I am always eager to learn from and be inspired by another.
I always seek to support others and do whatever I can to bring out the grandest and most wonderful in them.
I always respect the choices that others make even when I don’t like them.
In whatever way I can, I gently and lovingly share what I know and find useful with others without demanding that they accept it.
I offer others a safe, open and non-judging space in which to express themselves.
MENTORING Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.MINDFULNESS ONLINE Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!