The 10 Greatest Lessons of Life



It’s a new year my friends! How is it feeling for you? Does it feel like a new piece of clothing? Does it feel fresh? Exciting? Promising? Does it feel full of goodness and wonderfulness? Or…

Do you find yourself wondering if this year is going to be any different to the last? If it’s going to prove disappointing or unsettling or unproductive? If there’s going to be the usual scandals and disasters, personally, locally and globally? Or…


Perhaps it doesn’t feel particularly different, neither better nor worse. Perhaps, despite the messages and wishes you may have received and even sent, the new year so far, doesn’t feel particularly this or that. Or…


Perhaps it feels like a combination of all of the above. There’s no ‘right’ way to feel or ‘wrong’ way to feel. But there’s certainly more useful ways to feel and not so useful ways to feel, that is, if you’re as keen to be happy and peaceful as I am.


And so, here I am, at my keyboard, typing this with you in mind. I’ve posted my New Year wishes for you. I’ve held prayerful intention for you. And later this evening, I will gather with some of you online in Mindfulness practice and Prayerful Intention. It’s a good thing 


What’s another good thing is this list that I put together over the last few days. Actually, you might say it’s a list I’ve been putting together over my life, just that I’ve put it on paper over the last few days! And that list is of course what the title says: The Greatest Lessons of Life.


It’s a list I’ve thought of making for a while now. Something that I feel every person should know and the earlier in life they learn it the better. It would spare them enormous amounts of suffering. And, I believe, it would make our world a much more peaceful, kind and loving place to be in.


I’m going to list the 10 Greatest Lessons of Life that I think we all must learn if we want to live peacefully, joyously and freely. I’m not going to elaborate on them, at least not here. I’ll leave that for a pdf that I’ll share with you later on. But for now, here’s a little New Year’s offering to you. Let me know what you think, whether you agree or not, whether you find it useful or not, and if there are other important lessons that you feel I may have missed. Oh, by the way, I am not suggesting that these are the only lessons we need to learn, rather that these are some of the most important ones. Here we go:


You can and must trust the Infinite Power that has brought you and everything else into being.

Whatever serves your greatest good serves the greatest good of all since we are all one.

Your birthright is every goodness you can imagine.

Unforgiving yourself or another is withholding Love which is Life from yourself.

Love is something you can only ever know directly i.e. outside of thought and it is unconditional. Anything else, although bearing the same name is not Love.

To know yourself is to know that Infinite Power which has given rise to all of Life and you can only know this through direct experience i.e. outside of thought. People have called this Infinite Power God, Yahweh, Brahman, Infinite Potential, Allah, I AM…

God is all there is. There is nothing outside or beyond God.

In any situation, you can either respond lovingly or react lovelessly.

Your current circumstances are a reflection of your past thinking right up to this moment. You create different circumstances by changing your thinking.

What you give emotional attention to manifests and persists, whether it is what you want or what you don’t want.


So, that’s it my friends. I imagine that if everyone kept a copy of these lessons handy and made a habit of referring to them frequently and putting them into practice, they’d have a much easier time of life. What do you think?


Let’s be super willing to learn these lessons and master them in 2019! Yes, I do mean ‘master’. It’s okay to think big and bold! In fact, I’d say it’s critical!

Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!