A Course in Miracles says:
You can have a grievance or a miracle.
You cannot have both.
Sometimes, it seems we need to have things stated to us very bluntly leaving our over-thinking mind no wiggle room. This is one of those times. Choose. Either a grievance or a miracle. Not both. Let’s face it. This choice should be a no-brainer, right? It should be so obvious, so tonally clear, so quintessentially certain! As certain as death! Right?
So why do we hesitate? Why do we scramble for a way out? Can you see your mind doing this right now?
Why in heaven’s name don’t we trade our grievances, our fears, our anxieties, our pain, our sorrows, our dis-ease, our unworthiness, our loneliness, our distrust, our anger, our whatever it is that feels awful, unbearable and unnatural within us, for a g#ddamn miracle?
Hard as this might be to acknowledge, there is a part of us that sometimes simply does not want to let go of whatever it is that stands in the way of a deeply desired miracle – a change in the way we see things (as A Course in Miracles defines it), a new experience of ourselves, of others, of the world. There is this stubborn, resistant part in us that does not want to let go of the very thing that is actually causing us so much pain. Actually, it is a very frightened part of us. Perhaps a terrified, traumatized part of us…
Yes, our projections place the blame for our pain on someone else, something else and even on our past self. But wherever or whoever we place the blame on, the fact remains that the pain lies within us, not elsewhere. And the only person who can let go of your pain is…yes…you.
Oh yes, I know how much we might want to see the other person suffer. How strongly we believe that it would be morally irresponsible to let the other person or people off the hook. Our ego can be so sadistically invested in punishment, whether of another or of ourself. If we don’t recognize this, we have no chance of freeing ourselves from the hell that our pain holds us in. When we do recognize this, however, we can begin to move in the direction of a new choice – to let go of the pain.
Any kind of dependency that requires our pain is an addiction
Whatever benefits holding on to our pain may have provided us with up to this point, that holding on has served its purpose. The benefits have been fully redeemed. Now, we must be willing to move on from our dependency on the pain and the benefits it has provided. Any kind of depedency that requires our pain is an addiction. If we want to experience the joy and power of freedom, we must be willing, sincerely willing, to release our dependency. So, let’s do this, shall we?
I’m inviting you to trade in your grievance, fear, worry, dis-ease, judgment, anxiety, resentment – you’ll know what it is for you if you look sincerely within – for a miracle.
There are two ways of doing this:
1. Think of whatever it is that is troubling you. Feel it fully in your body. Then, hold a sincere intention (full of feeling), to be willing to let it go, knowing that on the other side of this grievance, fear, resentment etc is a miracle waiting to flash mob your life! You need not know exactly what the miracle is or what shape or form it will take other than it will relieve you of your pain and lift you up in love, joy, peace and freedom.
2. Think of a miracle you would like in your life. It is best you think in terms of how you would like to feel. Perhaps it is ease in physical movement, or amazing wellbeing or peace in a relationship, or excitement in work that you do, or confort and ease in all your financial commitments, or freedom in pursuing new interests…Next, think of some grievance, resentment, frustration, indignation, fear, envy that you feel whether often or from time to time, whether ‘small’ or ‘intense’. Just pick one and trade it in for the miracle that you’re seeking.
That’s it. It’s that simple really. For the over-thinking mind, this will clearly be too ‘simple’ or ‘simplistic’. Don’t be duped by it.
Even if you’re feeling skeptical, consider this: What have you to lose? Really? And haven’t you everything to gain? What is more, when you let go of your grievance, you relieve not only yourself but the whole world of this pain. If you understand the interconnectedness of all forms of Life, then you will have no trouble understanding this. And, you will also bless the world with the miracle that you receive!
Let’s play the Miracle game!
Prayer for our World
When I think of it, it seems crazy that I would hold on to any grievance or any negative judgment about anyone or anything, for don’t I feel the pain of it? What could possibly bind me to this pain? Habit? Sure. But once I become aware, why do I still hold on to it? Because I believe that I cannot let the other person off the hook. I do not wish to be such a pure and open channel of love to someone so undeserving. I do not wish to heart-listen to the awfulness or wrongness of what they have to say. I have a social and moral right and responsibility to make sure they pay. And yet…there is a miracle waiting for me on the other side of my grievance. It is always there but I am not able to receive it when my grievance stands in the way. May I be willing to release every grievance so that my world, our world, may be filled with miracles!
MENTORING Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.MINDFULNESS ONLINE Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!