The transforming power of compassionate inquiry

When you are actively learning from someone else, you are passively teaching them about yourself – Daryl Davis 

In recent months, I have kept this book, The Course in Miracles Experiment – A starter kit for rewiring your mind (and therefore the world), by Pam Grout on my desk.

I choose a page ‘randomly’ every day as the final part of my morning routine of anchoring my mind-body in the consciousness of Love, thus opening it to the reality of infinite possibilities.

I always start my day with this routine of anchoring, opening and allowing. It takes me about an hour and often more. I love being in this state and find it deeply nourishing and affirming, setting me in the best possible way for the rest of my day.

In the page that I turned to today, Pam Grout relates how Daryl Davis, a black American musician, makes it his business to have conversations with white supremacists. Instead of arguing a point or taking the moral high ground, he engages in genuine listening. He asks questions, and no, not the ‘gotcha’ kind, but ones that sincerely seek to understand.

There are some profoundly good reasons why Jesus tells us to be like children if we wish to enter the kingdom of heaven i.e. if we want to experience bliss, joy and wellbeing, in short, freedom from suffering. One of those reasons is that children have a natural, un-taught and unlearned curiosity about the world. This is why they ask a lot of questions. Adults, sad to say, have a damn good way of ‘curing’ them of this natural curiosity but I’ll leave that for another discussion ?.

When we give ourselves permission to be curious about the world – not so that we can marshal an argument against someone or something or to confirm our own biases, preconceptions and beliefs, and not even to satisfy the scavengers of idle nosiness and gossip that roam inside us – we enter into the space of sincere inquiry.

This is a deliciously open and inviting field of un-imagined possibilities, both for ourselves and those we ask questions of. It is how the power of transformation is aroused and set into motion. We are changed by the questions we ask and invariably, others are changed by the responses they give, often hearing them for the first time themselves! And they and we are changed by what we learn about each other.

When we ask new and open questions of ourselves, dropping them tenderly and with utmost compassion into that well of infinite wisdom within us, we create opportunities for our own transformation and healing.

As these droplets of inquiry land in the illuminating well of infinite wisdom, they stir up deep, un-thought and unlearned answers, answers that may surprise us, even startle us. But always answers that illumine truth in a way that only wisdom, which is Love, can.

Join me at our weekly mindfulness sessions where we allow ourselves and each other the freedom of asking new questions and the gift and healing power of receiving answers that we have thus far not been able or willing to hear!

Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!