To be awake

To be awake

To be awake is to know that you can stop trying so hard. In fact, it is knowing that you don’t need to try at all.


To be awake is to know that there is an Infinite Power, an Infinite Source, an Infinite Intelligence, that is keeping every bit of the universe, every tiny morsel of it, in perfect order.


The only reason you do not see or feel this order is because you are caught up in a thought system that prevents you from seeing it, that hides this reality from you. It is a thought system that has been with us since the beginning of time. Indeed, it introduced time into our timeless nature.


What would your experience of Life be like if you knew that there is an Infinte Power and Intelligence which is keeping everything in order and not in a way that you would typically describe as ‘destiny’ or ‘fate’?


In other words, it doesn’t have a ‘plan’ for you since a plan is time-dependent. Nor does it have a ‘plan’ for you such that you have no say in the matter?


Rather, its very nature is such that all possibilities that arise in it are always and in all ways life-affirming, loving, peaceful, joyous, kind, free, creative, limitless…? And because of this, it only ever has goodness to ‘give’ you, it only ever can be goodness within you, as you?


To know this is to be awake.


To believe anything that contradicts this is to be asleep. Asleep to who and what you truly are.


Let me suggest what happens when you start taking this Truth seriously.


You become far less fearful. Instead, you become a person of Faith. You know that Life is only ever good and that as an expression of Life, you are only ever good.


Your need to prove yourself, to prove your worth, to be someone of significance in the eyes of others and of your Ego diminishes. Instead, you feel the innate significance of your being, knowing that you, like everyone and everything else, are a vital component of the universe, of all that is. You know that by nature, you are indestructible, unenhanceable and unsurpassable.


You lose the need to defend yourself, to explain or justify your thoughts, words, actions and decisions in order to convince others of your goodness and your good intentions. Instead, you relax and thrive in the knowledge that there is only goodness and everything arises from it. You realize that what appears as ‘evil’ or ‘bad’ or ‘undesirable’ is the Ego’s twisting of your perception and that as long as you maintain this false perception, you will continue to suffer the effects of it and continue to participate in the effects of it, individually and collectively, thereby causing them to persist and perpetuate.


You will no longer believe in limitation, yours and others. Instead, you will start listening to that inner voice, that inner guidance that draws you in particular ways to express that which, configured uniquely as your mind and body, is ultimately the expression of Love, of Life, of Infinite Intelligence, of God.


You will stop trying hard. Instead, you will relax into the Infinite Power and Intelligence and Possibility that is your true nature and you will FLOW effortlessly in its energizing current. In this way, you will accomplish what is germane to your unique configuration of mind and body, what some may describe as your ‘soul’s purpose’ with ease, with joy, with passion, with freedom, with power. By letting Life/Love live you, instead of trying to tell Life what to do from the very tiny, conditioned and fear-driven pinhole perspective of the Ego, you will climb mountains, cross oceans and soar beyond sight without struggle. You will know instantly that you’re pushing against Life when you struggle.


You will learn to pray knowing that prayer is an expression of Intention/Choice/Action which is aligned with the infinite goodness and greatness of Life. You will know that every prayer is ‘answered’ simply because every thought and feeling aligned with goodness is aligned with Truth, with Reality and there is nothing but Truth, nothing but Reality.


These are just some ways in which your experience and expression of Life will change when you are awake.


Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!