To change, first accept


If you believe in a universe of infinite possibilities, you will see that everything, everything – good or bad – is an expression of possibility. If you believe in the importance of living in harmony with universal truths, then you will see why it is necessary to ACCEPT everything. Everything. Without exception.


Does this mean that you cannot seek change? That you cannot aspire to something different, better, more? Not at all. An equal truth about the universe, about life, is that it is naturally creative. It is always becoming. It is this becoming that is the field of its infinite possibilities. So, your desire for something more, something better, something different, is a natural outcome of the creative impulse of the universe.


But it is important that you ALLOW the more, the better the different, rather than chase after it, hound it, become attached to it, put it above all else, try to make it ‘special’, stake your life on it.


It is necessary that you honour the natural impulse of the universe which expresses itself as desire within you by not seeking to possess the object of your desire, immortalize it or make it your monument of achievement.


It is necessary that you provide a natural home for your desire. What is a natural home? It is a home or state of peace. This is why ACCEPTANCE is necessary, for by accepting everything, by having no quarrel with anything at all, you can maintain a home of peace where desire can flourish.


It is necessary that you recognize the source of your desire, which is Love itself, and ALLOW Love to fashion it into being.


Your role is to be an attentive and obedient servant to Love, which is the energy of the Universe. It will guide you. It will prompt you. It will nudge you. It will provide whatever you need including the skills, the people, the resources, and the means by which to access or acquire all of these.


It will make what appears impossible to the conditioned mind, entirely possible. Take a look at the world and see if this is not true.


So, if you have a desire for change, any kind of change, begin by genuinely ACCEPTING all that is. Have no quarrel at all with what is so that you can keep the home of your desire peaceful. Then, become an attentive and obedient servant of Love. You will know that you are responding to Love and with Love because it will always feel good in an uncontrived and effortless way.


Is there something that you want to change in your life? My Workshop, Change just One thing Today, might be just the thing to help you. Read all about it here.MENTORING
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