What is my place in this world?

If you’re like me, this is a question that probably is the background refrain to all that you do, that you try to be and that you seek to accomplish.

Do small things with great love

Mother Teresa

Photo by Paolo Nicolello on Unsplash

Sometimes, this question flashes in the forefront of our minds and we cannot possibly ignore it. But, most often it sits in the background watching and waiting for you to give it the full attention it is seeking. Meanwhile, like a child being ignored, it can ‘stir up trouble’ for you, resulting in some of the following:

  • Frustration with people and things in your life
  • Disappointment with people and situations in your life
  • Hopelessness
  • Depression
  • Wanting to give up
  • Feeling like you’re a failure
  • Thinking that nothing seems to be working in your favour
  • Thinking that life is against you, that you’ve been dealt a particularly bad hand
  • Giving up on yourself

Now here’s something that your Ego mind, your conditioned mind, doesn’t want you to know:

The question, What is my place in this world?, almost always presupposes that you have a place other than the one you currently occupy.

Dear one, your place in the world is exactly how and who and where you are right now!

Now, I suspect you don’t really want to hear that, let alone accept it. But…would you at least consider it?

If you look back on how you’ve been socialized, some of the key messages you’ve been hearing from different people and sources, do you not find that you’ve always been told to focus on

  • the future and
  • a different and better, more accomplished, more settled, more successful, more respectable, more presentable… you?

What does that generally imply? Mostly, it implies that where you are and how you are and what you are is not enough. That is the message the individual and collective Ego wants to drive home.


What does the mind of Love, of God, of the Beloved (as it is often referred to by the Sufi mystics), of our Buddha nature, our true, unconditioned nature, say to us?

In simple terms:

I am enough.

I am whole and complete.

I am all there is.

I cannot be damaged, minimized or devalued.

I cannot be enhanced, exalted or priced

I am always here and now  

I am infinite potential forever being expressed

Now, does this mean that your place in the world is fixed? That there’s no possibility for further expression?

No, because something can only be ‘fixed’, in time and space. However, as infinite potential, arising from the here and now – which is our true reality – you are forever expressing more and more of your true nature. And when you do, you cannot but express its goodness, its greatness and all the joy, peace, possibility and beauty therein.

In this reality, there is nothing to compare its expression with, neither with your past or with a projected future, and certainly not against other people – something that the collective and personal Ego keeps doing!

It is only in this reality and as its natural and effortless expressions that you will experience the joy, peace, freedom and fulfillment that you so deeply and constantly desire!

So, are you expressing from the mind of Ego or from the mind of Love?


Get still by tuning into your breath, the sensations in your body or simply noticing the sounds around you without judgment or commentary or labelling. Allow these questions to fall right into your heart and notice any resistance that arises:

  1. Right now, am I right where I am meant to be?
  2. Right now, am I quarrelling with where I am?
  3. From this place of complete acceptance, am I willing to be guided by the truth that arises from that place beyond all learning, understanding and reason?


Spend time each day listening for the wisdom of your heart and the particular way you are being called. Don’t expect to have the whole grand plan laid out for you, just what is required now, and now, and now… Meanwhile, continue to do everything, big and small with great love.


I am willing to be guided by the wisdom of my heart and its truth.


Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!

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