true discipline draws out our naturally great attributes. It never imposes.
Inage by GLady
I think it’s quite remarkable that when we think of DISCIPLINE, we think of imposing a firmness on ourselves that is often not aligned with what is natural, true and good within us. On the contrary, it is aligned with what is unnatural but normal and generally not uplifting or energizing; things such as laziness, undeserving, fault, defect, inaptitude and so on.

Why don’t we make a discipline of connecting with what is natural and good and true within us? Why are we so determined to impose corrective or constraining and even punitive measures upon ourselves?
I think it’s because we have bought into a belief system that sees us as ‘bad’, ‘undeserving’, ‘defective’, ‘incapable’, ‘lazy’, ‘incomplete’ and ‘flawed’ rather than whole, complete, good, beyond deserving and utterly capable. We can, at least in a hairs breadth of time, see these qualities in children and we were all once such children. So, what changed? Why did we give up that view of truth, of innocence?
When you think of discipline, does it feel like something that appeals to your highest or lowest qualities? What are the words, ideas, thoughts, feelings that you typically associate with discipline? What are the feelings that typically arise when you think of discipline?
true discipline appeals to our highest qualities
True discipline appeals to our highest qualities. It never seeks to impose but to draw out. It never constrains but frees. It isn’t a struggle but an effortless and often passionate alignment with those natural qualities of power, possibility, kindness, freedom and creativity that is who and what we naturally are.
What is something that you’re having trouble doing? Perhaps it’s a habit that you want to cultivate or a habit that you want to overcome. Notice what thoughts and feelings and sensations in your body arise as you think about this habit.
Cultivate a new habit or discipline by pegging it to an already well established rountine or ritual that you have. For example, if you’d like to make meditation a daily habit, do it just before you take a shower.
MENTORING Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.My bodymind enjoys following the guidance of a loving teacher.
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