Which part of ‘peace is the way’ don’t we understand?


I invite you to close your eyes and do this once you have read through the instructions:

Imagine yourself in an energy field of anger, or fear, or shame, or guilt… whichever comes most readily to you.

Now, imagine another person, standing or sitting close to you. Could be anyone – your partner, child, colleague, acquaintance, a public figure…

Imagine them also sitting in a field of anger or fear…

Imagine talking to each other.

What’t the energy in your words? In your thoughts? In your appearance? In your body? In your gestures and movements?

Is it at all possible that it is an energy of Peace? Of Love? Of Joy? Of acceptance? Of togetherness? Of harmony? Of willingness?

I invite you to close your eyes and go through this experience before reading on.

I believe that most of us accept, to varying degrees, that our thoughts and especially our emotions have a direct impact on our body. In fact, we accept what ancient spiritual traditions have known – that our mind-body is an energy field within the infinite field of Life (or God). So that, the type of energy that we hold and present to one another is very much a reflection of our thoughts and emotions.

Peace is the way

We also probably understand, although we may not take it seriously enough, that our energy is not and can not be contained within a discrete bag of skin. After all, skin too is part of the infinite energy field!

So, where am I going with all this?

That if we are serious about our peace and wellbeing and the peace and wellbeing of the world, then we must do whatever we can to help us return to our natural energy field of love, of peace, of joy, of limitlessness and freedom rather than limitation and resistance.

One of the best ways of doing that is through returning our mind to the present. This is essentially the practice of mindfulness.

Let us also take very seriously that our personal wellbeing and the wellbeing of the world are interdependent and inter-active. Which is why, as so many of us have come to realize, ‘fighting for peace’ (or justice or recognition or equality…) is an oxymoron.

Peace is the way.

You cannot get there through violence, whether that violence is held secretly in your mind, or only executed in words, or in full-blown action. In fact, peace is your natural state and you can only allow it by bringing your attention, again and again, to the present.


Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!