We are all so busy making something for ourselves, of ourselves. We want to accumulate wealth, status and ‘be somebody’. We rush around trying to achieve this and that. We act as if our life depended on it. Does it? No, it doesn’t. But our Ego, our Conditioned mind, does depend on it. Very much.
We believe we are being ‘responsible’ when what we are really doing is making sure no one can accuse us of not pulling our weight, of depending on them, of taking more than we have worked for.
The wholeness and goodness and truth of Life has its perfect intelligence which will guide you unmistakenly if you allow it, just as it guides the planets and powers the sun and makes protein molecules and fires neurons and runs the photosynthesizing factories in plants.
How did we learn to think like this? We’ve been learning it from childhood, haven’t we? The main thing we have learned is that we are undeserving, not enough and forever needing to prove and earn our worth, our place on this planet.
Imagine if we all stopped doing that.
Imagine if we took the Indian greeting, Namaste – the greatness and goodness, the Divine and Complete within me salutes and honours the greatness and goodness, the Divine and Complete within you – seriously, literally.
When we find ourselves putting effort into trying to preserve life, it is because we have interfered with its natural and effortless flow.
Imagine if we contemplated the fact that the sun shines without any effort on our part. That the earth spins without any effort on our part. That the genes that code our proteins do so without any effort on our part. That the air that we breathe is available without any effort on our part. That nerve cells fire across synapses without any effort on our part. That leaves photosynthesize without any effort on our part. That, when we really think about it, life actually happens without any effort on our part. And that, when we find ourselves putting effort into trying to preserve life, it is because we have interfered with its natural and effortless flow. We have divided Life up, which is naturally whole and integrated, into compartments and categories for our collective and individual benefit. And in the end, we realize it was never a benefit for something that benefits one while disadvantaging another is ultimately bad for all. It contradicts the very nature of Life.
So, imagine that we stopped struggling for our personal benefit and instead allowed ourselves to align with the natural flow and wholeness and oneness of life. Imagine if we did this one person at a time beginning with someone you think you know but don’t really – yourself.
Imagine realigning yourself with that which is naturally whole and good and true about you. And then imagine looking at the world from that place of wholeness and goodness and truth. And imagine that this wholeness and goodness and truth has its perfect intelligence which will guide you unmistakenly if you allow it, just as it guides the planets and powers the sun and makes protein molecules and fires neurons and runs the photosynthesizing factories in plants. Imagine that. Then, Intend it. And then Allow it. You would find yourself in a very different world. A world of natural joy, peace, ease, flow and unimaginable power and prosperity.
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Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.
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