When you do not see the truth, you are blind.
If the truth is real, is there anything other than the truth that is real?
Obviously not. Which is why you are blind if you do not see the truth.
Can anything unreal exist? Clearly not.
So, the only thing that exists because it is real is the truth. And anything that is not the truth is unreal and does not exist.
The question for us now is, to what extent do we see the truth and live the truth?
The short answer is that we don’t.
Most of us have some ideas and concepts of what truth is but to see it, to know it and therefore to live it is an entirely different thing. Ideas and concepts may point to the truth, much like the finger pointing at the moon, but they themselves are not the truth, no more than the pointing finger is the moon.
Does that mean we are all living in falsehood? Yes, we are. It is called conditioned existence. And it is out of this that all our suffering in all in forms and degrees arise.
Is it possible to live in truth? The more meaningful question is, Is it possible to live in anything but truth since nothing else is real?
You are reluctant to give up your falsehoods because they are all you have come to know and trust. But there is a part of you, an indestructible part of you, that has never lost touch with the truth. And so it calls you, again and again, beneath the din of your clamoring falsehoods. It calls you to itself which is in fact, yourself! To who and what you truly are.
And yet, these words are inaccurate for there is nothing other than who and what you truly are and since that is all there is, it is not that you are called to yourself but you are awakened to yourself. You have fallen asleep on yourself. You know what truth is but you have fallen asleep on it. It is time to wake up.
And when you do, you will see how meaningless, how grossly insane it is to speak of ‘the world’ when there is only ‘your world’, ‘my world’. For without your mind, what world is there for you?
Yet, when you learn to think and speak in terms of ‘my world’ and in doing so, become more and more aware that everything, without exception, in your world is you, then you become more conscientious. Remember that word? It means acting in an awakened, conscious state.
And that is the state of Love, so that you see and touch and taste and smell and hear everything as Love. You think and speak and act as Love. You are Love recognizing and experiencing yourself in everything.
Are you ready to live in truth? Love is always present and always on ‘your’ side!MENTORING
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