You never experience yourself directly

Every word, thought, habit, movement, idea you are taught or given as a child (including your name) becomes a filter between you and your direct experience of the world and of yourself. All these are symbols or representations of the things that you perceive as yourself and the world. They are not the things themselves.

This is how you are conditioned so that, soon enough, you cease to have any direct experience of yourself and of life/life which is all there is. That is, until you learn to allow the filters to drop and become a conscious observer of all the filters and of life without the filters, without your conditioning, which is what the practice of Meditation is. It is about experiencing directly our two realities – that which we are conditioned into and by (subjective) and that which we are not (objective).

Until then, you remain an unconscious perceiver, striving to make meaning of life within the limitation of these filters which is your conditioning. Until then, you will only ever ‘know’ and experience life, yourself, through the rigid, time and space bound mediation/meaning making force of your conditioning. You will never have a direct, unmediated experience of yourself, of life.

But until you do have such a direct experience, you will never know and experience who and what you truly are, which is what LOVE is – unbounded by time or space. Until you do, you will never be able to consciously and freely draw on the limitless, powerful and utterly creative presence of Love, of Infinite Intelligence, of God.

Because, you see, when you drop all the filters, all the conditioning, there is nothing left between you and all that is. And all that is, is god, is Love, is Life, is YOU and all the power and possibility therein!

Let Life express itself intoxicatingly, uniquely, powerfully and limitlessly in, as and through you. Don’t settle, whatever your age. Know your true Self. Follow your Bliss. Live the Life that you know you want to! Contact me here.

Join me every week to sit in the presence of your true Self and experience the greatness of Life flowing naturally, effortlessly and powerfully in, as and through you!